Record Store Day 2022

Probably both for me too. I actually like a lot of the list. Looking forward to it. Love getting out and seeing people excited about music and record stores. Probably helps that I haven't seen too many a-holes at any of the events I've been to.
Okay, pick me up for RSD
Bullmoose has more of the titles up now…
Thankfully that's the highest priced one on my list, but it's overpriced even more than some of the others. I'm grateful to Craft for still pricing single LPs at a reasonable level. But now that I've added up the cost of my want list it's time to try and sell a few things on Discogs now to fund my extravagances then.
Thankfully that's the highest priced one on my list, but it's overpriced even more than some of the others. I'm grateful to Craft for still pricing single LPs at a reasonable level. But now that I've added up the cost of my want list it's time to try and sell a few things on Discogs now to fund my extravagances then.
That Art Pepper is surprisingly nicely priced! if I can’t get Sara Barellies that’s my backup pick!
somehow missed this one on the list:

I was very surprised not to see anybody else mention it, especially given the fact I would've missed Metaphysics entirely were it not for folks around here!

Maybe this has been shared here before, but the New Yorker has a nice article on Hasaan Ibn Ali. I really hope they get around to releasing "Retrospect In Retirement Of Delay: The Solo Recordings" on vinyl, mabye a Black Friday release could be on the cards?

Quite an interesting quote from Max Roach as well - "I have hours of him playing solo piano that’s unbelievable.”
Called it!! Very excited about this, although it's certainly not cheap.