R.I.P. VMP Forum

I just saw this on Twitter:

I got one of these messages too, last week. First time I've gotten anything like this from Discogs. But I already *have* this record. And if I got it because it's an "artist alert," well, the only reason I have that artist associated to my collection is because I HAVE THIS RECORD. Seems like a weird artist to test this feature out with.

Did anybody else get one of these?

yep, i've gotten a couple in the past week or two, both from vmp and not. idk if it's a service they're paying for, or discogs trying to be more interactive? i haven't done any research on it.
I copy and pasted it to Evernote because it was beautiful and moving and I felt the thread or forum could go at any moment:

I wrote this earlier to Cam. I’ve been trying to find words for all of you but this is all I’ve got for now so I’m sharing publicly:

“I’m just gonna ask: please don’t do this.

This forum isn’t like anywhere else on the internet. Publicly accessible and for the most part pretty damn friendly. Where else are you going to find music heads of all ages, shapes, and sizes, mingling together and sharing their knowledge, sharing pieces of their lives? You have a gear question? Head on over to our gear threads where people will try to answer and won’t judge you for your set up or your budget. Wanna shoot the shit? There’s any number of threads looking for a tangent or try the Cafe where discussions range from venting about a job, sharing a family tragedy, or just communing with good-natured folks. How many people have been walked off the ledge in the Depression Support thread? I don’t know but you read through that thread and you know that it’s happened, that this forum has helped them. That people feel safe enough here to share their fears and their suffering, that this community will listen and not judge. Read through the Welcome thread and you’ll see a recent post from One Who Walks Away who explained that when he first joined, this forum was an escape for him while his wife was dying in the hospital. Did you read through the Record Store Day thread and see how this year a group of us banded together to buy Corycm his must-haves because he was too sick to go himself? The PIF thread you know but did you also see the Random Acts of VMP Kindness thread where some have shared how they’ve benefited from fellow members with gifts out of the blue? The daily challenge threads, the what’s spinning, so many small communities linked here together. Yes, some of these things happen in other places. But not all these things in one place.

I get that the forum has grown into something that may not match what you guys are today but you should still be proud of us, of what we created. Like any fully formed being, we bite occasionally, but there’s so much more good here than bad. So much more. If staff needs to take another extended time out, please do that instead of shutting us down in two days. Two days isn’t enough time to wrap this up, to end what we’ve become. Spin this off as an unofficial forum, make us admins, give this place to us. Anything. Please. Please don’t do this.”
omg, i've been on indefinite hiatus for so long from the old place that i didn't know y'all picked stuff up for hatbird. not that it surprises me, but that made me...so happy. y'all are good.
And now I’m all sad again but also embarrassed and flattered, lol. I really am surprised people took the time to save this.
You have absolutely no reason to be embarrassed. You're an amazing person for making this case. I'm not an easy person to move I rarely get emotional in the sense that I display it physically. This moved me to tears. I've always felt out of place from the small Kentucky town I grew up in. I was always ostracized and treated like an outsider. I was withdrawn and created a false persona to keep people away. I was hesitant to open up to anyone even my own family. Especially about my personal life and sexuality. The only person I was able to fully open up to is my girlfriend (who came from out of state which is why I talk about her on here so much) but this fucking community has been a way for me to actually feel like I belong somewhere. I feel like I have true friends here. You guys are like family. When I found at that the forum was cancelled I was devastated but unfathomably relieved when I discovered this forum existed. Thank you for trying your best to preserve the only place that I really felt any belonging to.
PLEASE tell me there are screenshots. I have full faith in you guys that you roasted him alive for that shit. What a thing to say to some of your most faithful and enthusiastic customers...
No screenshots but it was directly to me.



VMP More Time.jpg

The most damning example of taking stuff from people on the forum is probably Experience Unlimited, right? That was one that really shocked me.

And then, of course... the fake story

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yep, i've gotten a couple in the past week or two, both from vmp and not. idk if it's a service they're paying for, or discogs trying to be more interactive? i haven't done any research on it.
If Discogs are going to start taking money for direct advertising then the least they could do is drop their seller fees a little.
Thaht EU bullshit is absolutely fucking lame. I don't even knows what they have to gain there.

Yeah. That was a really foul move. I'd heard mention about it here and there, so I asked if someone could finally link me to the situation while all the bullshit was going down. Then I went and screenshot it, because it pissed me off so much, and it was a pretty damning piece of evidence they were about to erase for themselves. There's a lot of stuff I wasn't able to save when the house was on fire, but that was the one thing that I ran in to grab, along with the addresses for a couple of Pay It Forward records that I needed to ship.

More time? With "more time," I might have filled my shoe box with even more shit like this, or... maybe I just would have focused on the more positive aspects of what we left behind.

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Thaht EU bullshit is absolutely fucking lame. I don't even knows what they have to gain there.
Yeah. That was a really foul move. I'd heard mention about it here and there, so I asked if someone could finally link me to the situation while all the bullshit was going down. Then I went and screenshot it, because it pissed me off so much, and it was a pretty damning piece of evidence they were about to erase for themselves. There's a lot of stuff I wasn't able to save when the house was on fire, but that was the one thing that I ran in to grab, along with the addresses for a couple of Pay It Forward records that I needed to sell.

More time? With "more time," I might have filled my shoe box with even more shit like this, or... maybe I just would have focused on the more positive aspects of what we left behind.

The craziest thing about that whole thing is why WOULDN’T you just take a moment to say “The great thing about VMP is that many of our members are more knowledgeable about certain genres or eras of music than we are, and occasionally the first time we’ve heard of an album is because somebody tells us about it and brings it to our attention. One of our members sent me a message about this album with a cool cover that I’d never heard of, and after listening to it, I agreed with him that the rest of the Vinyl Me, Please community needed to hear it, too.”

Because that’s the truth, and he wouldn’t have looked any worse for admitting one of his customers turned him on to it. That’s the kind of response that would actually endear him to a lot of folks, I’d bet.
The craziest thing about that whole thing is why WOULDN’T you just take a moment to say “The great thing about VMP is that many of our members are more knowledgeable about certain genres or eras of music than we are, and occasionally the first time we’ve heard of an album is because somebody tells us about it and brings it to our attention. One of our members sent me a message about this album with a cool cover that I’d never heard of, and after listening to it, I agreed with him that the rest of the Vinyl Me, Please community needed to hear it, too.”

Because that’s the truth, and he wouldn’t have looked any worse for admitting one of his customers turned him on to it. That’s the kind of response that would actually endear him to a lot of folks, I’d bet.
Or a "Thank you, @Lee Newman , for the VMP Rising name." So few words. So much meaning and goodwill.
The craziest thing about that whole thing is why WOULDN’T you just take a moment to say “The great thing about VMP is that many of our members are more knowledgeable about certain genres or eras of music than we are, and occasionally the first time we’ve heard of an album is because somebody tells us about it and brings it to our attention. One of our members sent me a message about this album with a cool cover that I’d never heard of, and after listening to it, I agreed with him that the rest of the Vinyl Me, Please community needed to hear it, too.”

Because that’s the truth, and he wouldn’t have looked any worse for admitting one of his customers turned him on to it. That’s the kind of response that would actually endear him to a lot of folks, I’d bet.

Well... the obvious answer is that, if they respected the community, we wouldn't even be here.

Should they have done that? Definitely. Storf even set the question up, while claiming that they'd been working on it for 2 years. That, obviously, wasn't the case at all, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that it just seemed like it had been that long. But, if that's true, then that only means that Cam didn't even tell anyone how he came across it when he contacted them that night, he just kind of approached Egon as if he also had his finger on the pulse in regards to that world. Clay Condor should have known, though. But then again, he commented with shock and awe on Youtube under the Woodstock set video, as if he'd never seen it before, so... maybe memories don't seem to be so great in those parts. Maybe they should check for a gas leak.
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if they respected the community, we wouldn't even be here.
For sure, but you’d think they’re smart enough to at least recognize that they should want people to think they respect the community. Like, maybe Cam doesn’t care enough to give the credit, but dude, it was on a public forum; at least make people THINK you care about it.
For sure, but you’d think they’re smart enough to at least recognize that they should want people to think they respect the community. Like, maybe Cam doesn’t care enough to give the credit, but dude, it was on a public forum; at least make people THINK you care about it.

I'd agree except the whole move of wiping the forum would have, otherwise, completely removed that evidence, just like it removed so much else. I'm sure that was part of the thought process there. Plus, they continued to frame the community as some bonus that they gave to us, as opposed to something that we fueled and was proven an incredible benefit/asset to them, up until the very end. That's why the wording in the announcement was delivered like it was and why it was such a callous move with them exhibiting their power and showing us that they can just take things away from us if they wanted to.

The biggest strikes against them with us all coming here, aside from snuffing out all good will, was obvious. They not only killed a direct line they had for people to jump straight from the forum to purchase, but one where members helped and encouraged each other to do it. If what they say is true, they want to integrate the accounts more seamlessly to the "new" forum they are claiming to build, as if us posting links for each other wasn't enough. Once you leave and all of that noise isn't around you anymore, members -- and ex-members, especially -- begin to realize even more that the value of that "club" was limited, because there is NO club. We are the club. VMP found more value in maintaining a mystique of us needing them and this idea of their curation skills, brand, and industry connections than they appreciated the community aspect. Even more, they didn't recognize how much more important the community aspect and element of respect was for us ... or, maybe, they just didn't care. They took a gamble and it wasn't the noble one. You can't give the community their due, or the curtain opens, providing a glimpse of the bumbling humans behind the all powerful entity. With all of the rest of their fallibility being exposed regularly, the question of what they do right gets louder and louder. I mean, you have De La Soul Is Dead, Nat Turner, The Anthology, Weyes Blood... people ordering MF Doom and Lloyd Miller albums they don't actually have in stock, as well as endless other problems in such a short period of time. Somehow, they still tried to play both the "sorry guys... thanks for sticking with us" angle, as well as the, "don't question our methods or power" approach. It's common for someone to not recognize where their strength or appeal lies.

In other words they're either not "smart enough," or they wagered on being stable and/or powerful enough.

If they ever fully admitted what members brought to the table, how could they have ever rationalized killing the forum? Any hopes of scattering us and diffusing a growing wave of dissent backfired astronomically. They had it pretty much contained within a platform that they controlled. Agitating a mob and letting them loose with hatchets is dumb as shit. Just think about how the whole EU back and forth was buried in the forum to where I had to have someone link me to it. Now it's posted above in full context in the one thread on this forum that's dedicated to preserving the history of that entire debacle. It's easier to find now than ever.
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You have absolutely no reason to be embarrassed. You're an amazing person for making this case. I'm not an easy person to move I rarely get emotional in the sense that I display it physically. This moved me to tears. I've always felt out of place from the small Kentucky town I grew up in. I was always ostracized and treated like an outsider. I was withdrawn and created a false persona to keep people away. I was hesitant to open up to anyone even my own family. Especially about my personal life and sexuality. The only person I was able to fully open up to is my girlfriend (who came from out of state which is why I talk about her on here so much) but this fucking community has been a way for me to actually feel like I belong somewhere. I feel like I have true friends here. You guys are like family. When I found at that the forum was cancelled I was devastated but unfathomably relieved when I discovered this forum existed. Thank you for trying your best to preserve the only place that I really felt any belonging to.

Since you've expressed interest about the final hours of the forum, I thought you should kmow that we heard from numerous others with similar stories about what that space meant to them. There were even several people who either never signed in before, or simply never posted, that used the opportunity to chime in and explain that they'd been lurkers for quite some time and it had a huge impact on their lives, as well. The fact that all of those sentiments, along with @mcherry's plea yielded basically no response other than a firm statement that they would be ending it regardless without further consideration or delay, was the coldest and most revealing aspect of the whole fiasco.

Oh wait!!! Matt Fielder actually did break it down to us how it was really painful to do and was hurting him more than us. I wish I would have screenshot that gem, too.
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Part of me still thinks none of us has hit on the “real” reason, the true catalyzing event, for shutting down the old forum. A lot of the theories make sense, but none of them completely hold together for me. I suppose that this part of me just thinks that if I reflect on how VMP has done business in the past, there may very well not BE a single reason. They just...decided to do it, then started forming a rationale, whatever that happens to be, to support it, after they’d already concluded it was a good idea.

What’s incredible to me is that, if people are even halfway correct that it was an attempt to stop hosting and/or to decentralize criticism of their business, then not only did that fail when this forum got started, but they also VOLUNTARILY GAVE UP THEIR OWN ABILITY TO RESPOND TO IT. Now all of that criticism is in a place where they may not even be welcome, much less have control over the messaging (to be clear, I’m personally cool with any staff who were active on the old forum joining up here to be part of the community, just not cool with them joining up to act as official reps of the business).

That’s what makes this decision so terrible to me. The Google results won’t bring up VMP hosting its own bad PR anymore, sure, but what they get instead may be even worse for them: wild theories, extremely critical reviews, some (speaking frankly here, including myself in this) bitterness from former members who resent what they’ve done, and...absolutely no response from VMP. The only party they’ve successfully silenced is themselves. Truly baffling.
Part of me still thinks none of us has hit on the “real” reason, the true catalyzing event, for shutting down the old forum. A lot of the theories make sense, but none of them completely hold together for me. I suppose that this part of me just thinks that if I reflect on how VMP has done business in the past, there may very well not BE a single reason. They just...decided to do it, then started forming a rationale, whatever that happens to be, to support it, after they’d already concluded it was a good idea.

What’s incredible to me is that, if people are even halfway correct that it was an attempt to stop hosting and/or to decentralize criticism of their business, then not only did that fail when this forum got started, but they also VOLUNTARILY GAVE UP THEIR OWN ABILITY TO RESPOND TO IT. Now all of that criticism is in a place where they may not even be welcome, much less have control over the messaging (to be clear, I’m personally cool with any staff who were active on the old forum joining up here to be part of the community, just not cool with them joining up to act as official reps of the business).

That’s what makes this decision so terrible to me. The Google results won’t bring up VMP hosting its own bad PR anymore, sure, but what they get instead may be even worse for them: wild theories, extremely critical reviews, some (speaking frankly here, including myself in this) bitterness from former members who resent what they’ve done, and...absolutely no response from VMP. The only party they’ve successfully silenced is themselves. Truly baffling.
@Indymisanthrope, I do agree with you, even through all the bitterness the reality is we don't really know, BUT, I would bet my left lung it has/had nothing to do with making the community better, or for the community in the long run. No way, no how, whatever the reason was it came from a place of selfishness. I've said it before, all they had to do was actually listen and not go on the defensive. Take a step back and say, "Wait, lets back this truck up a minute, take care of these little problems and then move forward"