Pre-Order Thread

Just to clear things up here, as Amoeba Hollywood was my local store for 7 years and it's probably my favorite place on earth:

They have 400 employees because their stores are HUGE. There are ~20 cashier lanes, multiple people at the buy counter, 15-20 staff members throughout the store (and all of them have alternates because no one works every day, so maybe triple or quadrupel those numbers) people on the accounting/business side, people on their social team, people on their video team, the executive board, the maintenance crew, etc. And that's just one of the 3 stores.

Yes, they're a massive organization, but NO they didn't lose any heart. They started tiny and expanded by being pillars of their respective arts communities and they always gave back to artists big and small in a variety of ways. They're, in my opinion, the most important record store in the entire world.

RE: The move - they aren't moving by choice. They were ousted from their historic spot in the middle of Hollywood by some developers who want to turn it into apartments -- and the lease is up in a few months. They found a new spot they are moving to not that far away and not much smaller, which means it's probably quite expensive -- and then COVID hit. This is the WORST timing for them, because all 3 stores are shut down and cannot do business anywhere but online (which has slowed down for a myriad of reasons) and they need to pay current overhead/raise funds in prep for the move.

This could be the perfect storm that could put them out of business if some big-wig musician friends/labels don't step up and help them out. Just because they're bigger than your local mom and pop store doesn't make them any less valuable to the heart of the commmunity and I will be devastated if they don't make it.
I am not one to make a donation to a for-profit business. Instead, when I heard about this I placed an order for the deluxe 4-LP It Still Moves. Once it shipped, I checked the tracking, and it appears they drop shipped it from somewhere in Kentucky. That's never happened with my prior Amoeba orders, which have always come from California packaged nicely. Anyone else have this happen?
I am not one to make a donation to a for-profit business. Instead, when I heard about this I placed an order for the deluxe 4-LP It Still Moves. Once it shipped, I checked the tracking, and it appears they drop shipped it from somewhere in Kentucky. That's never happened with my prior Amoeba orders, which have always come from California packaged nicely. Anyone else have this happen?
I’ve had them ship from both California (their stores) or from a warehouse in Kentucky.
Heads up - for anyone who missed this, probably your last chance to grab it. I personally doubt it gets another pressing.

1,000 pressed, sold out on USA, and I just ordered from UK (ironically cheaper, but it's 50% off)

I just listened to it all on Soundcloud and it's pretty bad ass if you like Mix Master Mike. Peep it here! The first 3 minutes are probably the weakest, so don't judge from that! :)

First official album in like 15 years, and IMHO his 2nd best.

@Jonathan Y - this is all you baby boi
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Damn missed the limited variants. There’s no reason this album should be as good as it is. I’m astounded really. They sound absolutely fantastic. I’ll pick it up eventually.

I'm kinda surprised they all sold out this fast.

I also missed them....oh well. The digital copy from Fat Possum is only 160kb/ that kinda sucks.
Damn! Was holding out until I got paid, and all of the limited variants are gone. I'll still probably get the black though.

I'll let you in on a secret - limited variants don't mean squat. They're a FOMO money grab. If you're truly a music fan, what matters is the quality of the music. It's what's in the grooves that matters, not the color, how many were pressed or if it has an embossed number. And if it's X, I can guarantee the grooves are fine. I reckon they'd personally prefer black vinyl based on their origins.
I'll let you in on a secret - limited variants don't mean squat. They're a FOMO money grab. If you're truly a music fan, what matters is the quality of the music. It's what's in the grooves that matters, not the color, how many were pressed or if it has an embossed number. And if it's X, I can guarantee the grooves are fine. I reckon they'd personally prefer black vinyl based on their origins.

You're always a man of words, Uncle D. It'll be enjoyed for years to come on the OG black grooves, as Lord Ozzy intended 🍻