Pre-Order Thread

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Seriously, if anyone sees a preorder link for this from Bullmoose or somewhere else please post it here!

Essential Shoegaze classic.
Oh fuck!!!

Sound of Vinyl had the Souvlaki edition last year. That’s where I ordered mine from. It was $33 shipped which was not bad at all.

Everybody should spice up their lives and preorder it.

They're also reissuing Spice's Greatest Hits on black vinyl, preorder here (in case if you haven't bought the picture disc).

I really can't explain to you how excited I am.
@NathanRicaud ???
New one from WRWTFWW: Kayobi No Onna from Masahiko Sato

The reissues from this label have been stellar. I have a few, and I anticipate my esoteric local will have ordered a few of these around that release time. I am adding this to my listening backlog!
Oh fuck!!!

Sound of Vinyl had the Souvlaki edition last year. That’s where I ordered mine from. It was $33 shipped which was not bad at all.

I've placed my of my MOV orders through Juno (cheaper than any US sites, even shipping to Seattle), though this one isn't listed yet.

Edit: and just as I posted the comment, I got an email from Juno that the latest MOV Johnny Cash Bootleg series release is available :)
I've placed my of my MOV orders through Juno (cheaper than any US sites, even shipping to Seattle), though this one isn't listed yet.

Edit: and just as I posted the comment, I got an email from Juno that the latest MOV Johnny Cash Bootleg series release is available :)
Juno and Bullmoose are simply the best
Oh fuck!!!

Sound of Vinyl had the Souvlaki edition last year. That’s where I ordered mine from. It was $33 shipped which was not bad at all.
Yeah keep your eyes open for this one. I suspect it to sell out quickly. It's been out of print for a long time. Souvlaki has been reissued way more than Whirlpool.

Also since you are excited about this I highly suggest you also check out the Boo Radley's MOV preorder that's been up for a while now. It's for their second album called Everything's Alright Forever and it's another great 90's Shoegaze.

Creation Records might have the best release history ever for one specific genre of music.
Do you recommend them over Bullmoose? BM does free shipping over 30 bucks and charges once the item ships which I find very convenient.
TBH, I have my first pre order ever from them on right now for Eisley Room Noises. I did it because there was a pretty big price difference with Bull Moose ($28 vs $35). I've ordered in stock MOV stuff from DD before with no problems.