Political Discussion

Here is some background information on the "stop the steal" battle cry movement conservatives are following. And Roger Stone appears to be behind it.

Conservatives are ditching Facebook and Twitter for an alternative social media platforms such as Parlery.

They are favoring social media platforms that do not combat miss information. They have been angered an alienated by Facebook and Twitter this year. Even more so after the election when all their posts / tweets about voter fraud and the election being stolen were fact checked.

Many predominate Fox Business / News hosts are echoing the rally cry on air to leave Twitter and Facebook for Parlar and asking their viewers to do the same.
I'm guessing at least 70% of who this is aimed at have no idea how to even set up a new social media account.

Conservatives are ditching Facebook and Twitter for an alternative social media platforms such as Parlery.

They are favoring social media platforms that do not combat miss information. They have been angered an alienated by Facebook and Twitter this year. Even more so after the election when all their posts / tweets about voter fraud and the election being stolen were fact checked.

Many predominate Fox Business / News hosts are echoing the rally cry on air to leave Twitter and Facebook for Parlar and asking their viewers to do the same.
I read a piece about this recently where someone pointed out that Conservative social media’s favorite pastime is trolling libs and whining about being oppressed by their social media tech overlords. Most of these conservative only platforms end up becoming nothing more than a echo chamber but since there is no conflict they are unlikely to hold much engagement. They more exist as an idle threat. Which is a bit of a bummer. I would be ecstatic if all the trolls and tinfoil hats abandoned Twitter.
I read a piece about this where someone pointed out that Conservative social media’s favorite pastime is trolling libs and whining about being oppressed by their social media tech overlords. Most of these conservative only platforms end up becoming nothing more than a echo chamber but since there is no conflict they are unlikely to hold much engagement. They more exist as an idle threat. Which is a bit of a bummer. I would be ecstatic if all the trolls and tinfoil hats abandoned Twitter.

This is my sister and it’s driving me mad. She’s 14 years younger than I am and when I was her age I loved to troll people as well. But man, she’s brutal with saying shit that she knows will get under my skin and once she gets her reaction she laughs and admits to it being a troll.... the thing is I’m not convinced it’s a troll, I think she just ran out of words to defend herself. Backed into a corner and the only way out is to say “I was just kidding bro!” 🤦‍♂️
I thought this was an interesting read;

David Shor’s Postmortem of the 2020 Election

Please note the use of the word 'interesting' and not 'brilliant' or 'inspiring.' Do not assume I agree with every word. I do however agree with this passage very much and feel it should be projected by laser onto the Moon in the hope that one day it might actually be heeded;


Newly-elected Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) incorrectly identified the three branches of the US government and also incorrectly said the US fought socialism in World War II.

Facepalm. I'm scared for our country.
Just got these texts from my father :rolleyes:

If you did not watch what Sidney Powell just released on the extent of the election fraud related to dominion servers you should. Directly from her, no MSM edited pieces. Trump won by a landslide and the shit is going to hit the fan soon.

She backed up every backdoor source i have too.

You have a bug out bag or enough on hand supplies to survive a few weeks if need be?

Stock up.
Funny thing I stumbled across this morning, some of you may remember me mentioning a friend who got very defensive about me pointing out her "Copy/Paste" mentality without checking facts before hand. To the point she told me if I didn't stop we couldn't be friends anymore. Needless to say, that's when my exodus from most social media and or political engagement stopped, not because of her, but the toxicity associated with it from Trump loving lemmings.

For whatever reason, she popped up on my feed as updating her profile photo, the lurker nosy body in me decided to go to her profile and see what she was spouting about all this. Low and behold, she's deleted any and all political posts she's ever made..........there is nothing on her page but a few profile pic updates.

Could this possibly mean some people can be reached or at least can see the Bullshit at a certain point? Still all very sad this many people believe all this crap.
Funny thing I stumbled across this morning, some of you may remember me mentioning a friend who got very defensive about me pointing out her "Copy/Paste" mentality without checking facts before hand. To the point she told me if I didn't stop we couldn't be friends anymore. Needless to say, that's when my exodus from most social media and or political engagement stopped, not because of her, but the toxicity associated with it from Trump loving lemmings.

For whatever reason, she popped up on my feed as updating her profile photo, the lurker nosy body in me decided to go to her profile and see what she was spouting about all this. Low and behold, she's deleted any and all political posts she's ever made..........there is nothing on her page but a few profile pic updates.

Could this possibly mean some people can be reached or at least can see the Bullshit at a certain point? Still all very sad this many people believe all this crap.
I don’t want to ruin it, but there’s a decent chance she just limited your access to her profile posts.