Political Discussion

Here are some updates to Trump's recent EOs

Unemployment: The EO has been modified so that states can opt out of paying the extra $100. Since many states don't have this in the budget, most people in need will be getting an extra $300 a week, not $400 and half of the $600 they have been getting.

Payroll Tax: Trump told the press today that if he wins re election he would extend this EO indefinitely as long as he is president and forgive all deferred taxes. Currently the EO is for just deferring payroll tax. It is still owed and people will need to pay it back. Trump is saying reelect me and you won't have to pay it back and I'll extent it indefinitely.
What a weak poser play! He’s trying to buy votes by holding tax deferment for ransom. LOL, as if the next president can’t do the exact same thing as him.
I'm seeing a ton of Trump supporters posting about child trafficking. Saying that re-electing Trump will help put a stop to it. I'm in no way pretending that this isn't an issue, I really don't know many facts about it, and yet, I've never known ANY of these co-workers of mine to have shown concern for this in the past several years. To me their concern seems so phony and fabricated. It's like they receive orders from someone on what to begin posting about.
I'm seeing a ton of Trump supporters posting about child trafficking. Saying that re-electing Trump will help put a stop to it. I'm in no way pretending that this isn't an issue, I really don't know many facts about it, and yet, I've never known ANY of these co-workers of mine to have shown concern for this in the past several years. To me their concern seems so phony and fabricated. It's like they receive orders from someone on what to begin posting about.

The concern is phony and fabricated. The Trump supports, or should I say QANON believes that democratic congressmen and senators are the child traffickers along with the celebrities that support them. They believe our government is corrupt and full of child traffickers.

They have been brainwashed into believing this is a very real issue and a major concern.

Child trafficking is very real, but not where their efforts are being focused. Their concerns are in the wrong place.
I'm seeing a ton of Trump supporters posting about child trafficking. Saying that re-electing Trump will help put a stop to it. I'm in no way pretending that this isn't an issue, I really don't know many facts about it, and yet, I've never known ANY of these co-workers of mine to have shown concern for this in the past several years. To me their concern seems so phony and fabricated. It's like they receive orders from someone on what to begin posting about.
It’s a Qanon thing.
Yeah, it sure is, eh? I just read an article about that after I posted this. I'm stunned at what some people are choosing to believe and with whom they choose to align themselves.

I have, unfortunately, gone down this rabbit hole a bit because I am utterly fascinated by the insane stuff people choose to believe based on the most ridiculous "evidence" one could imagine. My latest favorite that I have seen is that Tom Hanks has already been arrested for sex trafficking and is currently being held at Guantanamo Bay. I've seen a few videos of people even claiming that the SNL at home show that he hosted back in April was actually hosted from Guantanamo Bay or some other military prison. But if that one is too crazy for you, there is also the belief that Hanks and Rita Wilson recently became Greek citizens because they know they are about to be arrested so they need somewhere to flee to.
Can someone explain why Trump hates mail-in voting?
I've been trying to look for the answers but can't find anything solid.
The only thing that I can think of where it might hurt him is:

Mail-in voters are afraid of coronavirus
Trump supporters aren't afraid of coronavirus
Therefore Mail-in voters are not Trump supporters???
Can someone explain why Trump hates mail-in voting?
I've been trying to look for the answers but can't find anything solid.
The only thing that I can think of where it might hurt him is:

Mail-in voters are afraid of coronavirus
Trump supporters aren't afraid of coronavirus
Therefore Mail-in voters are not Trump supporters???
I thought it was a combination of gerrymandering republican voters to have easier times with polls, republicans tend to vote period but esp in person, electronic voting is more easily hacked, and any FUD that can be cast on the results now is better to leverage later. I think there's also a hope that a large number of votes never get counted due to never arriving.
Can someone explain why Trump hates mail-in voting?
I've been trying to look for the answers but can't find anything solid.
The only thing that I can think of where it might hurt him is:

Mail-in voters are afraid of coronavirus
Trump supporters aren't afraid of coronavirus
Therefore Mail-in voters are not Trump supporters???
Because if it is easier to vote, Republicans lose.
I have, unfortunately, gone down this rabbit hole a bit because I am utterly fascinated by the insane stuff people choose to believe based on the most ridiculous "evidence" one could imagine. My latest favorite that I have seen is that Tom Hanks has already been arrested for sex trafficking and is currently being held at Guantanamo Bay. I've seen a few videos of people even claiming that the SNL at home show that he hosted back in April was actually hosted from Guantanamo Bay or some other military prison. But if that one is too crazy for you, there is also the belief that Hanks and Rita Wilson recently became Greek citizens because they know they are about to be arrested so they need somewhere to flee to.
I have gone down there same rabbit hole, they also tie the bloody Wilson soccer ball face from "Cast Away" to a crazy conspiracy called Frazzledrip (if you don't know what Frazzledrip is then consider yourself lucky and don't dig into it) as some kind of evidence as well. then they tie Ellen to child trafficking through both Frazzledrip (because she wore a sweatshirt with an image of a face done by Basquiat) and that her set looks like the complex on Epstein's island. they also accuse Oprah of child trafficking as well. they also say that Justin Bieber alluded to being a victim of child trafficking through his "Yummy" video.

in a way it's kind of compelling to me in the lengths they go to make all this crazy seem like it's all there in plain sight, like with all the Wayfair stuff a little while ago.

somehow my Facebook feed has become a hotbed of QAnon conspiracy craziness. who knew I knew so many of these kooks?

EDIT - oh I totally forgot. so apparently per Q Trump was elected as president to take down the Hollywood elite child trafficking/pedophile ring but somehow in 4 years he hasn't done anything about it yet, so I'm not sure why they still hold on to that belief.
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Can someone explain why Trump hates mail-in voting?
I've been trying to look for the answers but can't find anything solid.
The only thing that I can think of where it might hurt him is:

Mail-in voters are afraid of coronavirus
Trump supporters aren't afraid of coronavirus
Therefore Mail-in voters are not Trump supporters???

Because blue districts overwhelmingly support it and want the convenience. Because many hourly workers, in many of the lower-wage jobs, in the service industries for example, don't have the option to take off of work or change their schedule to vote. There are a lot of those voters in blue districts (less in red districts) and a lot of those voters are racial and ethnic minorities. It's blue vote suppression plain and simple. The people who turn out to vote are the people who have the ability to do so, to wait in line, to drive, to take that time. Voting by mail is inclusive.
I have gone down there same rabbit hole, they also tie the bloody Wilson soccer ball face from "Cast Away" to a crazy conspiracy called Frazzledrip (if you don't know what Frazzledrip is then consider yourself lucky and don't dig into it) as some kind of evidence as well. then they tie Ellen to child trafficking through both Frazzledrip (because she wore a sweatshirt with an image of a face done by Basquiat) and that her set looks like the complex on Epstein's island. they also accuse Oprah of child trafficking as well. they also say that Justin Bieber alluded to being a victim of child trafficking through his "Yummy" video.

in a way it's kind of compelling to me in the lengths they go to make all this crazy seem like it's all there in plain sight, like with all the Wayfair stuff a little while ago.

somehow my Facebook feed has become a hotbed of QAnon conspiracy craziness. who knew I knew so many of these kooks?

EDIT - oh I totally forgot. so apparently per Q Trump was elected as president to take down the Hollywood elite child trafficking/pedophile ring but somehow in 4 years he hasn't done anything about it yet, so I'm not sure why they still hold on to that belief.
here are a couple of examples of the type of posts I see littered on my FB feed daily:Screenshot_20200813-140000-01.jpegScreenshot_20200813-140044-01.jpegScreenshot_20200813-140327-01.jpegScreenshot_20200813-140359-01.jpeg
I have gone down there same rabbit hole, they also tie the bloody Wilson soccer ball face from "Cast Away" to a crazy conspiracy called Frazzledrip (if you don't know what Frazzledrip is then consider yourself lucky and don't dig into it) as some kind of evidence as well. then they tie Ellen to child trafficking through both Frazzledrip (because she wore a sweatshirt with an image of a face done by Basquiat) and that her set looks like the complex on Epstein's island. they also accuse Oprah of child trafficking as well. they also say that Justin Bieber alluded to being a victim of child trafficking through his "Yummy" video.

in a way it's kind of compelling to me in the lengths they go to make all this crazy seem like it's all there in plain sight, like with all the Wayfair stuff a little while ago.

somehow my Facebook feed has become a hotbed of QAnon conspiracy craziness. who knew I knew so many of these kooks?

EDIT - oh I totally forgot. so apparently per Q Trump was elected as president to take down the Hollywood elite child trafficking/pedophile ring but somehow in 4 years he hasn't done anything about it yet, so I'm not sure why they still hold on to that belief.

Frazzledrip is new to me, so I'm going to do my best to not look into it, but yeah the rest I have all seen in various places. As to your last point, as far as I can tell the belief is that he IS actually doing something about it, but its all so super secret that nobody knows about it (except for Q of course). That goes back to the whole Guantanamo thing I mentioned to...they believe he has is secretly building it up because very soon they will round up all of the celebrity pedophile elites and ship them there. The real scary part is that time and time again when none of these predictions actually come through, it just leads to even more insane theories to then explain away why the others never happened as they said they would.
Because blue districts overwhelmingly support it and want the convenience. Because many hourly workers, in many of the lower-wage jobs, in the service industries for example, don't have the option to take off of work or change their schedule to vote. There are a lot of those voters in blue districts (less in red districts) and a lot of those voters are racial and ethnic minorities. It's blue vote suppression plain and simple. The people who turn out to vote are the people who have the ability to do so, to wait in line, to drive, to take that time. Voting by mail is inclusive.
this makes sense - but I would say though. Playing a bit of devil's advocate here but lets say what of the circumstance that blue states are more "closed" and have more people unemployed - with time to vote. Wouldn't this scenario work against them? Not saying this is the case, just spewing some thoughts.