Political Discussion

Because many hourly workers, in many of the lower-wage jobs, in the service industries for example, don't have the option to take off of work or change their schedule to vote.
Ding Ding Ding
we have a winner. If low wage and younger voters had less barriers to voting and voted more, we would have a very different group of people in office.
I have gone down there same rabbit hole, they also tie the bloody Wilson soccer ball face from "Cast Away" to a crazy conspiracy called Frazzledrip (if you don't know what Frazzledrip is then consider yourself lucky and don't dig into it) as some kind of evidence as well. then they tie Ellen to child trafficking through both Frazzledrip (because she wore a sweatshirt with an image of a face done by Basquiat) and that her set looks like the complex on Epstein's island. they also accuse Oprah of child trafficking as well. they also say that Justin Bieber alluded to being a victim of child trafficking through his "Yummy" video.

in a way it's kind of compelling to me in the lengths they go to make all this crazy seem like it's all there in plain sight, like with all the Wayfair stuff a little while ago.

somehow my Facebook feed has become a hotbed of QAnon conspiracy craziness. who knew I knew so many of these kooks?

EDIT - oh I totally forgot. so apparently per Q Trump was elected as president to take down the Hollywood elite child trafficking/pedophile ring but somehow in 4 years he hasn't done anything about it yet, so I'm not sure why they still hold on to that belief.
These are the mother fuckers that ruined X Files for me. It used to be interesting when someone was a crazy conspiracy theorist nut job. I used to listen to to Coast To Coast on late night AM radio talking about the Mind control Chemtrails and the brainwashing floride added to are water supply. It was silly conspiratorial fantasy but now these nuts are shooting up pizza parlors, defaming peoples character and harassing people. I can’t even enjoy a good conspiracy kook anymore because chances are if they beleive the world is flat they also are all on board with the pizzgate Qanon bullshit.

Also there is something like 14 Republican Candidates on general election ballots across the country this fall have referenced Qanon in some way prior to running for office. Some I am sure are just opportunists but at least a few are real deal nut cases and will likely be apart of the government come 2021.
My co-workers all hate the post office now. I don't recall them having any issues before.
Whatever he says, they jump in line, then call everyone else sheep.

I have days where I can barely stand this shit.

I have, unfortunately, gone down this rabbit hole a bit because I am utterly fascinated by the insane stuff people choose to believe based on the most ridiculous "evidence" one could imagine. My latest favorite that I have seen is that Tom Hanks has already been arrested for sex trafficking and is currently being held at Guantanamo Bay. I've seen a few videos of people even claiming that the SNL at home show that he hosted back in April was actually hosted from Guantanamo Bay or some other military prison. But if that one is too crazy for you, there is also the belief that Hanks and Rita Wilson recently became Greek citizens because they know they are about to be arrested so they need somewhere to flee to.
somehow my Facebook feed has become a hotbed of QAnon conspiracy craziness. who knew I knew so many of these kooks?

This is nuts...and yet my FB feed is about the same. There's one coworker who posts non-stop propaganda. If I didn't know better I'd swear he's on a payroll to do so.

But, sometimes the perfect meme comes through my feed and helps...

this makes sense - but I would say though. Playing a bit of devil's advocate here but lets say what of the circumstance that blue states are more "closed" and have more people unemployed - with time to vote. Wouldn't this scenario work against them? Not saying this is the case, just spewing some thoughts.

I don't know but I think the people that have been primarily going back to work are specifically those low wage workers in service industry or manufacturing jobs where possible. In the hypothetical scenario you lay out then maybe, but equally the unemployed may need to hustle that much more and therefore have that much less time to think about voting.

There are other populations that are concentrated in urban areas that are usually blue districts that have a difficult time getting to polling stations, particularly the elderly and other folks who may be dealing with disabilities.

Mail in voting isn't inherently a cure-all either. There are some real complications with the way it's done in many places that makes it challenging to understand how to provide a valid ballot even for the most able bodies and minds, but he whole false fraud debate has been proven untrue over and over again and been used as a scare tactic forever.
These are the mother fuckers that ruined X Files for me. It used to be interesting when someone was a crazy conspiracy theorist nut job. I used to listen to to Coast To Coast on late night AM radio talking about the Mind control Chemtrails and the brainwashing floride added to are water supply. It was silly conspiratorial fantasy but now these nuts are shooting up pizza parlors, defaming peoples character and harassing people. I can’t even enjoy a good conspiracy kook anymore because chances are if they beleive the world is flat they also are all on board with the pizzgate Qanon bullshit.

Also there is something like 14 Republican Candidates on general election ballots across the country this fall have referenced Qanon in some way prior to running for office. Some I am sure are just opportunists but at least a few are real deal nut cases and will likely be apart of the government come 2021.

...and characters like Detective Munch were so much fun (how many shows did that character crossover into?).

When did conspiracy theorist become a religion?
...and characters like Detective Munch were so much fun (how many shows did that character crossover into?).

When did conspiracy theorist become a religion?
Wow, I knew of Homicide and Law & Order and after seeing this remembered Kimmy Schmidt but I didn’t realize he had been on so many shows.
Richard Belzer is a national treasure.
Wow, I knew of Homicide and Law & Order and after seeing this remembered Kimmy Schmidt but I didn’t realize he had been on so many shows.
View attachment 61422
Richard Belzer is a national treasure.

Yeah, there was this theory going around that the universes of all these shows are tied together via Munch. His X-Files episode was great.

House Republicans Get Cranked Up
QAnon is headed for Capitol Hill.
AUGUST 13 2020 8:57 PM

After winning a runoff for the Republican nomination in Georgia’s 14th Congressional District Tuesday night, Marjorie Taylor Greene delivered a message for her soon-to-be colleague in the House, Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

“She’s a hypocrite,” Greene said. “She’s anti-American. And we’re going to kick that bitch out of Congress!”

Uh oh, we are doomed if QAnon takes over the government. Them are fighting words.

We are just getting more divided =\

Like many American-born women who married immigrants in the early 20th century, my great-grandmother assumed the citizenship of her husband under the Expatriation Act of 1907. And like many American-born women who lost their citizenship — thousands of them — she had absolutely no idea.

Wow, I have never heard of this before or had any idea it happened.
Playing a bit of devil's advocate here but lets say what of the circumstance that blue states are more "closed" and have more people unemployed - with time to vote.
At fewer polling locations, with longer lines (read: bigger crowds, in the middle of a pandemic), meaning bigger time commitments, and more burdensome rules like photo identification requirements. Add in off duty cops acting as Republican election monitors and inconvenient locations, and damn, that’s a lot of reasons not to go to the trouble of showing up
Whatever he says, they jump in line, then call everyone else sheep.
Meanwhile, “Where we go one we go all” is the literal behavior of sheep.
At fewer polling locations, with longer lines (read: bigger crowds, in the middle of a pandemic), meaning bigger time commitments, and more burdensome rules like photo identification requirements. Add in off duty cops acting as Republican election monitors and inconvenient locations, and damn, that’s a lot of reasons not to go to the trouble of showing up

Yeah i guess that makes sense. After these past 4 years with current admin, it's just tough imagining anyone is ok with not voting and letting it happen again. But yeah its not always easy to do.
At least he has access to the secret world history book for us presidents

oh yea they want to erase her black heritage because she has a slave owner in her family lineage. Ignoring the fact that the reason most black people have ancestors like this is because of rape.

Trump is just blatantly doubling down on the racism at this point. It's hardly veiled anymore. Though, I'm sure he'll continue to try gaslighting everyone about it.
Trump is just blatantly doubling down on the racism at this point. It's hardly veiled anymore. Though, I'm sure he'll continue to try gaslighting everyone about it.
It was posted by the local Rep party organization and someone called them out on A community FB group. The funny part was that people were like “why is this racist” they couldn’t put it together. I made a comment about the fact that I knew about this was because of the cultural diversity general Ed requirement with my CA Bachelors degree. Apparently I was brainwashed? Who knew?