Political Discussion

I had a pretty entertaining conversation with a guy from work. He is on the opposite end of the political spectrum as I am. He was telling me that my sexuality was a preference, transgendered persons are sick, Sandy Hook was not real, you know, those ol' chestnuts.

Anyway, I didn't laugh at him, I didn't argue with him, I just listened and nodded my head at random times. I wanted him to continue because it was honestly entertaining me (as well as angering me). And then he pulled out the "You know Michelle Obama is a man, right?" card. And it took every single fiber of my being to hold in that huge chortle developing in my belly. Then he pulled up a video on youtube. It was some 15 minute long video providing "proof" that she is a man. At one point in the video, this co-worker says to me, "Well, ignore this part because it is clearly photoshopped." I think my head tilted to the side as if I was a dog and was confused.

At least they are self aware?
I think by "Law" every work place is mandated to have one person like this employed at all times..........good for you for not taking the bait and being a bigger person. Although, if they ever come up with a way to "SEE" what someone's thinking, I want a front row seat to your replay of this moment, lol.
Apparently the senate bill Mitch McConnell drafted did not include any Democrats in the discussion. It was 100% put together by republicans behind closed doors.

When called out for this by the Media Mitch McConnell stated:

"Actually, it's speeding it up. We just passed yesterday a bill, it was written in the Democratic House of Representatives," McConnell told CNN's Dana Bash in an interview.
"The Republicans are in the majority in the Senate. We wanted to put forward our proposal. We feel like we have an obligation to do that as a majority and the Democrats, of course, need to be given an opportunity to react to it and that all begins tomorrow. So don't create controversy where there isn't controversy."

To me it sounds like we passed the Democratic Bill.
Now we will pass our own.
We can't work with each other so it's faster to work separate.

They need to work together. This is no time to still be having these divides down the Aisle.
Also, the Democrat bill had republican input. They altered it to exclude 2 weeks paid leave for businesses over 500 people at the request of the Republicans. Because they were told that was the only way they would pass it. That means 80% of Americans still do not have 2 weeks paid leave.
Not that anyone needed any further evidence that Trump and the administration were trying to downplay the danger to keep the markets afloat / chugging along but here's a recording of Republican Senator Richard Burr stating otherwise 3 weeks ago.

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Trump is taking emergency action to round up illegal immigrants.

These illegal immigrants according to Trump are incredibly dangerous to our healthcare system right now. Their numbers will push or hospitals over the breaking point. We should deport them to make sure Americans get the beds they need at our hospitals.

Trump just lost his composer big time during todays press conference.

A reporter (Peter) asked him a legitimate question and Trump went off big time about fake news, over sensationalized media, being a dishonest journalist and that his question was very very nasty.

Trump pointed his finger at Peter. Scolded him. Yelled at him. Yelled at the sensational media. NBC, Comcast which he says he likes to call 'Concast'.
There have been several questions asking if it was appropriate for Trump to lash out like that on Peter.

They are answering by saying "That's not a question" and move on to the next question.
There was some more to that exchange when a question shortly after as if It was appropriate for Trump to lash out at Peter like that. After than once again tangent on fake news media and dishonest reporting, they stopped taking questions on it as I mentioned above.
Trump just lost his composer big time during todays press conference.

A reporter (Peter) asked him a legitimate question and Trump went off big time about fake news, over sensationalized media, being a dishonest journalist and that his question was very very nasty.

Trump pointed his finger at Peter. Scolded him. Yelled at him. Yelled at the sensational media. NBC, Comcast which he says he likes to call 'Concast'.
There have been several questions asking if it was appropriate for Trump to lash out like that on Peter.

They are answering by saying "That's not a question" and move on to the next question.
WTF? How is that not an appropriate question? People ARE scared. Pretending they aren't is not going to make it go away.

I am livid. Again. As always.
Instead of latching onto his treatment of the reporters for the follow-up questions, the WH press corps would be doing a public service if they just agreed amongst themselves that any time Trump does this, the next reporter asks the same question as the previous one. Getting indignant over his behavior still lets him off the hook from answering the actual questions.
Instead of latching onto his treatment of the reporters for the follow-up questions, the WH press corps would be doing a public service if they just agreed amongst themselves that any time Trump does this, the next reporter asks the same question as the previous one. Getting indignant over his behavior still lets him off the hook from answering the actual questions.
I thought, while this behavior is abhorrent but sadly expected, worse still was his blatant contradiction of the good doctor Anthony Fauci, regarding the potential effectiveness of a Malaria therapeutic. I think it would probably serve their messaging and the country if the President would sit these daily briefings out. But let’s face it that dude is attracted to a TV camera like a moth to a flame.
For the record: Trump isn't sending anyone a check.
The government isn't handing out money.

The money (if you get it) is an advance on your future tax refund, based on your 2018 refund (if you got one).
We paid in, so we're not getting a loan of our own money.

So, really - it's NOT Socialism, so both sides can shut up about it.

GWB did a similar thing when he was POTUS.
I thought, while this behavior is abhorrent but sadly expected, worse still was his blatant contradiction of the good doctor Anthony Fauci, regarding the potential effectiveness of a Malaria therapeutic. I think it would probably serve their messaging and the country if the President would sit these daily briefings out. But let’s face it that dude is attracted to a TV camera like a moth to a flame.
And of all the questions to lose his shit over. The guy teed him up perfectly to spit out some reassuring pablum. "Most of us have never experienced something on this scale before, but America and the world will get through this by staying calm and working together toward the common goal of eradicating this disease. We must not let fear get the best of us." That's all he had to say.
And of all the questions to lose his shit over. The guy teed him up perfectly to spit out some reassuring pablum. "Most of us have never experienced something on this scale before, but America and the world will get through this by staying calm and working together toward the common goal of eradicating this disease. We must not let fear get the best of us." That's all he had to say.
I think one of the earlier briefings was super telling of the type of “leader” Trump is, someone asked How his family was dealing with everything and how he explained what was happening to his young son, and all he could do is run down a list of “accomplishments” barely addressing the actual question. I can easily imagine pretty much every president from Clinton forward answer that question in such an empathetic and compassionate way. Something that would help relax the nerves of an anxious nation. Even W. while terrible as a President was really good at showing empathy and care in times of stress. Trump is completely incapable of this type of comfort and after 3+ years it still confounds me.
I decided not to post this on the Covid19 thread because the reason I'm posting it is indeed a bit political.
(This is a just screencap from FB, not a linked article btw.)

I just found it really interesting that these two people I am Facebook friends with both shared it.
One posts anti-Democrat stuff all day every day, a very vocal Trump fan. The other is a total Trump hater, and also pretty vocal about it.
The difference is clear in their brief comments.
