Political Discussion

I decided not to post this on the Covid19 thread because the reason I'm posting it is indeed a bit political.
(This is a just screencap from FB, not a linked article btw.)

I just found it really interesting that these two people I am Facebook friends with both shared it.
One posts anti-Democrat stuff all day every day, a very vocal Trump fan. The other is a total Trump hater, and also pretty vocal about it.
The difference is clear in their brief comments.

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Washington State is preparing for this now.

Just saw that the stimulus checks may be significantly delayed. The reporter on anchor on CNN just called out our government to 'stop screwing around' and usual and work together. Millions of people are getting laid off now. They money is needed now. Get this done.

This came in response to Nancy Pelosi saying there is 'No Deal' with the Senate Bill. After meeting with Mitch McConnell Nancy Pelosi says the house will create their own bill rather then putting Mitch McConnell's bill on the floor to vote on.

This action likely means that the Senate will then reject the houses bill.

The contention is over how much aid is given to the people. The Republicans bill overwhelmingly gives support to businesses over the people. And the aid for the people would be a 1 time payout of $1200 based on qualifications related to how people filed their 2018 taxes.

Democrats want more aid to the people out of work. Republicans don't want to give out handouts.
By law all votes in the House of Representatives or the Senate must be conducted in person.

Now that Rand Paul has tested positive for COVID-19 the fear is we are only a matter of days away from too many senate members being in self quarantine for a legal vote to take place. And that could last weeks.

This is why we need to get the aid package done now. We do not have time to wait.
Mitch McConnell is peaking now live.

It's political games per usual.

He is demonizing the democrats for not approving the senates relief build. He is making claims that the democrats are holding Americans relief hostage over 11 hour deals the are demanding. Keeping money from the American workers, the hospitals. They are preventing Americans staying on the payroll. He says they want the whole "Green New Deal" as part of this relief bill which as absolutely not true.

He is saying the democrats are the sole reason alone why we can't get relief to Americans.

The democrats issue is the bill does way too much for big business and not enough for American workers. Democrats want limits on big business (businesses with 500 or more employees) and more aid to the American workers who are not getting a paycheck.

Mitch also said we passed the democrats phase 2 bill. That he told his fellow republicans to gag and vote for it anyways to get it passed without any amendments.

What Mitch didn't say is that the bill was modified before going to senate to exempt 2 weeks paid leave from companies of 500 or more employees. Big business. He made it clear to Nancy Polosi they would not vote on the bill unless they conceded to that demand.

Mitch is also saying it's only the democrats who are holding things up.
Mitch McConnell is peaking now live.

It's political games per usual.

He is demonizing the democrats for not approving the senates relief build. He is making claims that the democrats are holding Americans relief hostage over 11 hour deals the are demanding. Keeping money from the American workers, the hospitals. They are preventing Americans staying on the payroll. He says they want the whole "Green New Deal" as part of this relief bill which as absolutely not true.

He is saying the democrats are the sole reason alone why we can't get relief to Americans.

The democrats issue is the bill does way too much for big business and not enough for American workers. Democrats want limits on big business (businesses with 500 or more employees) and more aid to the American workers who are not getting a paycheck.

Mitch also said we passed the democrats phase 2 bill. That he told his fellow republicans to gag and vote for it anyways to get it passed without any amendments.

What Mitch didn't say is that the bill was modified before going to senate to exempt 2 weeks paid leave from companies of 500 or more employees. Big business. He made it clear to Nancy Polosi they would not vote on the bill unless they conceded to that demand.

Mitch is also saying it's only the democrats who are holding things up.

Mitch McConnell can literally burn in hell. I can't think of an American I dislike more. He is a master of his craft but he is dogshit of a human being.
Something worth pointing out:

The progressive left (and younger generations) have spent the past four years arguing that the "good" economy that Boomers have been enjoying was little more than smoke and mirrors.

Not only had wages for hourly workers not gone up under Trump, many of the jobs created were within the service industry or gig economy. If you didn't own property / stocks, there was little to celebrate other than higher rent... all while the 1% was hoarding wealth and gutting social programs.

A lot of left leaning economists ala Robert Reich have repeatedly argued that the GOP was intentionally creating a bubble that they knew was likely to lead to an eventual recession-- but that they figured it would probably be with a Democrat in office starting this November... Thus, it would work out for them in the long run either way. Especially because they could use that recession to further their consolidation of wealth via disaster capitalism.

Well-- obviously they didn't see this Pandemic coming. But damned if it hasn't stripped bare the illusion that anything related to socio-economics in this country could be described as healthy.

And now, if we don't get control of this virus quickly, we are likely to enter a depression. And all those Boomers who voted for Trump or, more recently, Biden are likely to wind up with their kids living at home with them (again). Because the other option may wind up being homelessness at this rate.
@DownIsTheNewUp ,

Last night during Trumps daily update to the nation he mentioned about how great the economy was under him and how much wages have gone up under him. And we need to pass this stimulus to keep the big businesses operating so they can continue to pay those employee's the higher wages. The republicans figure that giving large checks to big business will keep employees on the payroll while they are operating at a loss. I really doubt we can have faith that many companies will do this. If their expenses are greater than their income they will make adjustments. No doubt about it. We will likely get stock buy back again like after the stimulus package during the recession driving up stock value and landing executives with fat bonuses.

I could not understand where in the life of me he things wages have gone up. All the data shows that middle class / working class wages have been stagnant for the last 40 years. On top fo that, after the recession many of the jobs that Millennials are working have actually seen a pay decline.

The vast wage increases he was talking about really was only for the top 1%.

Also, the boomers and the top 1% have likely accumulated enough savings to get through this. The younger population has not, especially those riddle with student loan debt.

One thing I have been asking the last week or so is why are Mortgages payments being suspended by various states but the same treatment has not been applied to rent? Again this relief favors boomers, people who have accumulated wealth and own property. It provides no relief to the renters.

One governor gave the answer today in an interview with CNN. The hope is that by suspending mortgage payments it will encourage landlords and property management companies to pass the savings along to renters or make them more willing to work with renters as we all go through this hard time.

The problem is that will will not happen unless landlords and property management companies are ordered to do so.

Large property management companies all have policies that rent is non negotiable. Mine does. Rent will still be due at the first of the month every month. If someone loses their income during this time they are encouraged to apply for unemployment. The rate of rent is not negotiable. They will not work with you because if they work with one person then they legally have to work with everyone.

When it comes to individuals who are landlords to a unit or a few properties they are much more lenient. I had a discussion with one today. He said he is willing to work with his renters. But eventually they will have to make up the missed payments. Otherwise he looses money. Those mortgage payments will still be due at the end of the mortgage. When I tried to make the argument that well, at that time you will have a renter coving the cost of those mortgage payments then like previous rent payments have paid for the mortgage. To the answer of that was no, that still costs me money. Because the mortgage could have been paid off earlier if mortgage payments weren't suspended and deferred.
There is talk that if the Democrats don't agree to the Republicans bill Trump will reopen the economy next Monday.

Then, when it becomes a shit show of people getting sick and dying he will blame the democrats for not passing the deal.

They are positioning it as the economy / country is not meant to be shut down. We have no safeguards for that. Without the republicans stimulus checks to big corporations to keep employees on the payroll (which is not a requirement at all) they were put into a position to reopen the economy and get people back to work so they can earn money.
There is talk that if the Democrats don't agree to the Republicans bill Trump will reopen the economy next Monday.

Then, when it becomes a shit show of people getting sick and dying he will blame the democrats for not passing the deal.

They are positioning it as the economy / country is not meant to be shut down. We have no safeguards for that. Without the republicans stimulus checks to big corporations to keep employees on the payroll (which is not a requirement at all) they were put into a position to reopen the economy and get people back to work so they can earn money.
So frustrating. Saying our country isn't meant to shut down is admitting that we aren't any better at dealing with disasters and crises than third world countries. You'd think they stop before admitting that but with them in charge I guess it is fucking true.

If they think anyone who hasn't abandoned all facts for the kool-aid is buying their trickle down shit after the tax cuts, they are insane.
I'll keep this coronavirus post in here because it could be too political in nature for the COVID-19 thread.

But as we know Trump wants to get this country back open and the economy moving again. He believes we are are doing by far more damage to the economy that the virus will do to us.

While Trump does not have the authority to order states to open back up and lift their stay at home orders and seen non-essential personal back to work. He does have a power play and it is apparently being discussed reportedly by the Corona Virus Task Force.

What is that power play? To withhold Aid, disaster relief and federal tax dollars for Transportation and Educations to states who do not lift their restrictions and get people back to work. If states are not open again by Easter expect to see this move.

It will also target blue states mostly. Only 16 states to date have issued stay at home / shelter in place orders. Red states are not doing this. Why? Economy before lives.
Senate aid package quietly carves out billions intended for Boeing, officials say

Lawmakers have inserted in the Senate’s $2 trillion stimulus package a little-noticed provision aimed at providing billions of dollars in emergency assistance to Boeing, the aerospace giant already under fire for deadly safety lapses in its commercial jets, three people with knowledge of the internal deliberations said.

Boeing while being the most notable isn't the only company in trouble getting a bail out. Many other companies that were in trouble before the coronavirus are getting a bailout as well.

The money will be used to keep these companies from going into bankruptcy or struggling. It's not going to be going to keep workers on the pay roll.

The 2 trillion dollar stimulus bill is only sending a little less than 20% of its funding to American workers. And that is as a tax advance on 2020 tax returns.

So for millions of Americans who usually have low tax returns, they will likely owe money when they file taxes next year.
I hate how in America you can sue for anything.

Just read a sad story.

A guys dog was hit and killed by the neighbors teenage daughter with her fathers car. The dog accidentally got loose when his kids were entering / exiting the house.

The neighbor, the girls father wants this guy to pay for the damages to his car caused by hitting the dog.

He couldn't believe that his neighbor would be demanding he paid for the damages to his car after his dog was killed and told him off.

Now his neighbor is threatening to sue. Turns out that law requires dog owners to be in control of their dogs at all time. A home owner is legally liable for any damage caused by their dogs.

Seriously, your daughter just killed the neighbors dog and you are going to make him pay for the damages to your car?

Stuff like this angers me.
I am just annoyed but I wish someone would call out the current administration next time Trump or Pence tries to point the Prez shutting down travel with China as a major accomplishment, because really that did very little, the virus still arrived and is still spreading exponentially, was it the right call? sure but it is one thing and ultimately a minor blip of things that they did right versus the amount of things they royally fucked up.