Online Vinyl Deals

Just got a cancellation notice on the Los Campensinos album...guess it was not in stock. Without that in order, it bumps my order total below the free shipping threshold, so i hope they don't charge me shipping now...
don't see why they would it's something on their end, i'm sure the site had it in stock at your time of purchase.
i don't see where to join their email sub on the site?
Was it a unique code, or just something generic like "Seashell" or "SPF10"?
You can sign up for emails from the main page, it doesn't mention the discount. You get a unique code after your sign up. They'll email it to you in about five minutes.
You can sign up for emails from the main page, it doesn't mention the discount. You get a unique code after your sign up. They'll email it to you in about five minutes.

Whirred. It worked!

Might have to go in for round 2, at some point. There are some titles in there that I'm considering picking up just to ship to a friend of mine.

Also, here's a fun tale about Deep Discount. As I was checking out yesterday, the clock hit 3pm on the west coast and the 15% OFF discount expired, so it jacked the price of the total up during the process. Rather than complete the order at a marked up price, I called them to see if they could help me out and give me the discount anyway. I got some guy who was telling me that the deal was still on the site and that the code would work. I assured him that it doesn't. Then he tried to tell me that it was actually only a little after 4pm, so I should just place the order anyway, but take a screenshot of the ad with the coupon and the time that I ordered. Email that to them and they'd give me my 15% in a refund, after the fact. I asked him if he could give me some sort of insurance that they'd actually do that, because... you know, it actually wasn't 4pm central time. It was after 5. I wanted him to email me something, or allow me to email him directly, or... just anything that would verify that I was told to do this, because I didn't want to go through this whole fiasco with someone new. He kept telling me that he was in central time right then, so he knew. I needed to act quick, because I only had about 47 minutes (or whatever) left, before the deal expired! Finally, I was like, "listen, guy. Go google central time like I just did. You'll see that it's almost 5:20 (or something), so you have to understand my apprehension if I screenshot that, right now." Then he fucking hung up on me.

I called back and waited on hold for at least 20 minutes. I asked the woman if she wanted to connect me to a supervisor right out the gate, because some dick hung up on me, but she seemed to think she could help. Then she tried to tell me that it was only 4 something where they were at in central time. It said so right on her clock. I asked her where she was. She said Costa Rica. "Central" America.

In the end, she just offered to stay on the line as I placed the order, so that solved it. The order went through just prior to whenever they believed 5pm was -- although the actually website's system got it right. Then I got a refund sent to me, but it didn't go through until this morning.
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