October 2020 Challenge Thread: Let’s Get Weird

Gonna come back to day 24 after work when I can have a beer.

Day 25: Channel Orange

mewithoutYou - Brother, Sister

"A note we wrote the other day
To any mice who pass this way
On crumbed and sugared countertops:

"we must insist
Your traffic STOP."

In their defense, they don't refuse
But nonetheless we've come to use
Snapping traps and poison beans
(far less diplomatic means)

Orange spider, orange leaf
Orange spider, orange leaf
Orange spider, orange leaf
Confirms my deepest held belief"

Day 27: Eye Doctor Appointment
In honor of my annual Eye exam spin something by a bespectacled artist
Charles Kynard - Woga
Funny Story (not really), my eye exam was scheduled for yesterday originally when I set up the challenge however I had to shuffle the order a bit after I discovered I had inadvertently double booked on of the day and once done this day ended up on the 27th instead of the 26th. Well, when I woke up yesterday I had a message that My Eye Doctor was out sick so I had to reschedule for... TODAY! A bit serendipitous. Now I am no longer a fraud. Eye exam completed. New specs have been ordered. Good to go!... Anyways, continuing with the funky organ jazz vibe. Here is four-eyed hero Charles Kynard gettin’ greasy.
Got pretty busy and fell behind a lot, so I'm going to cheat a bit with this one to help me catch up. A little 2 for 1:

Day 22 | That's....interesting
Day 25 | Channel Orange
Wiz Khalifa - Kush & OJ

Great packaging on this one, coming in a giant resealable bag with the sleeve resembling a juice carton. Wiz came through on this, and this is far and way my favorite project of his.
