Neverending Covid-19 Coronavirus looks bad there. Seems the incubation period of Mardi Gras is finally appearing - 2 weeks incubation - 2 weeks for the symptoms to get really bad.

I'm not from Mississippi, tho. My parents retired there from Illinois (to Wiggins, MS of all places - may have to Google it.) My brother moved there to take care of my dad when he was on hospice. My brother wasn't in a great place so it was good for him heath-wise, too. So he's been living with our mom while taking nursing classes and just got his licence about a year ago. They both moved down to Gulfport a couple years ago after my dad past away.

I visit every couple years - take in a Waffle House...try to understand what people are saying, as the accents confuse me.
I know where Wiggins is!! Your mom and brother aren't very far from me at all. The accents confuse most non-Mississippians. I've learned to suppress mine, unless I'm angry or drunk, then you get the full MS accent.

Okay, y'all, if they keep talking about putting the economy over people, we now have a unique opportunity:
it's spreading

everything needs to pause for however long this lasts. No rent, no mortgage, no banks collecting, nothing.

The national property management company that manages my apartment complex have already set out a reminder that per our lease, rent is non-negotiable. Rent is due on the first of every month in full.

They are very big, so I doubt renters would have any real measure to have a rent strike without being evicted once housing courts reopen and sued for rent owed.

The city of Boston attempted to pass a No-Rent resolution yesterday, but it was blocked by the Boston City Council.

Our governor also passed this yesterday.

Essentially the state of MA will be able to apply for financial assistance of up to $4,000 to low income renters and homeowners who are unemployed.

Yesterdays bill also requires lenders to postpone reporting late payments to credit rating agencies for at least 60 days. Evictions and foreclosures must be postponed for at least 60 days as well.
Even worse than I expected.

Let's put this in perspective with a graph


Then let's remind ourselves that these are last week's numbers. Only California and NY were really shut down. Many more states shut down this week / over last weekend. Next Thursday's report is going to be scary.
This is from a Federal Reserve Report back in 2007-08. While it's actually an interesting, if not concerning read, I imagine no-one will really read the whole thing, but if you read any of it skip to page 19-22 to read the economic impact potential and recommendations sections. We knew this would come and it's playing out roughly as predicted.


I know where Wiggins is!! Your mom and brother aren't very far from me at all. The accents confuse most non-Mississippians. I've learned to suppress mine, unless I'm angry or drunk, then you get the full MS accent.

Okay, y'all, if they keep talking about putting the economy over people, we now have a unique opportunity:
View attachment 37828

Looks like were getting $2900. Just to give it back when we pay taxes.
Can anyone interpret the Stimulus bill that was passed and put it in layman's terms?

EDIT: What's in the $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus bill

  • 3 quarters of it goes to big business
  • 1 quarter of it goes towards the workers
  • $1200 tax credit to to americans making $75000 a year. Is reduced by $50 per every increase of $1000 in income over 75k
  • $500 per child
  • We bailed out Boeing
  • Unemployment benefits have been increased. Feds will give out $600 each week for 4 months in addition to the states unemployment.
Agreed. Also I’m a little jealous because I’d love $600/week too even though I’m still employed. That’s +/- about what I make every week, but paid every 2 weeks

I'm employed...and hate to see people laid off / furloughed - and the $$ they are going to get, while it helps, probably won't be enough. I would like to see hospitals get enough $$ to give some to the workers that HAVE to work....I'm not getting hazard pay.

I worry about myself, my family, my co-workers, their family. We can't socially distance when we are in a room helping a patient go to the bathroom or eat.

Up date on the minor who died of coronavirus in California.

Essentially the are back tracking that coronavirus was the cause of death. The Centers for Disease Contrrol and Prevention is saying his case needs further review before they can say his death was caused by COVID-19

While he tested positive for the corona virus, the case is complex because he had other medical issues that could also potentially explain his death. What is known is he was fine one day, then really sick the next.

:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
