Neverending Covid-19 Coronavirus

My sister in Richmond, VA, just had her third child in the fall. She's a nurse practitioner and her husband is a high-school teacher. Their two sons are both daycare age. After my sister's comically short maternity leave finished in January, my mother took a leave of absence from her job to move to Richmond for six months to look after the baby during the day. She's living in a city where she doesn't know anyone else, far from her doctor and our universal health care system. I'm terrified for my mother.
I have family in Richmond. And I'm not too far from there myself. They are doing just fine there. I understand your concern and if you want me to help find any doctors or anything, let me know. But from my understanding, nothing is going haywire in Richmond yet.

Also, when all of this settles, if you ever go visit Richmond, please let me know! I'd come have a beer with you.
The media here are trying to stop people panicking. In a couple of weeks everyone in the UK will be panicking and we'll have our own travel restrictions.

That site has some great info. Here is another place for info about the virus:

Been hearing on the local news that the catering industry in Boston has been hit especially hard.

Meetings aren't being held because people are working from home, clients aren't traveling in and so on.

One company who usually averages about 150 meetings a day to cater said they only had 17 orders to fill yesterday before coming in. And once they arrived to work that number had gone down to 5.

They are already at the point where they need to to make the the call to lay people off. They want to be there for their long time employees and avoid layoffs as much as possible. But their hands are tied. It's at the point where the business owner is now paying for their salaries out of her own bank account.
Been hearing on the local news that the catering industry in Boston has been hit especially hard.

Meetings aren't being held because people are working from home, clients aren't traveling in and so on.

One company who usually averages about 150 meetings a day to cater said they only had 17 orders to fill yesterday before coming in. And once they arrived to work that number had gone down to 5.

They are already at the point where they need to to make the the call to lay people off. They want to be there for their long time employees and avoid layoffs as much as possible. But their hands are tied. It's at the point where the business owner is now paying for their salaries out of her own bank account.
This is just one of many parts that is going to really cause issues.

Think of all the restaurants open just during lunch in downtown areas. Without offices open, those places don't have revenue. All the food trucks/vendors that are screwed out of revenue from cancelled festivals. So many things I'm not thinking of. But lots of businesses are just going to fail. It's awful.
This is just one of many parts that is going to really cause issues.

Think of all the restaurants open just during lunch in downtown areas. Without offices open, those places don't have revenue. All the food trucks/vendors that are screwed out of revenue from cancelled festivals. So many things I'm not thinking of. But lots of businesses are just going to fail. It's awful.

The worst part is rent doesn't care if you get laid off because of coronavirus.

I heard since most of the tech industry in California has moved to a work from home policy, all the restaurants that are very busy serving lunch to these workers are dead. They are in real trouble right now.
This is the part that is going to really cause issues.

Think of all the restaurants open just during lunch in downtown areas. Without offices open, those places don't have revenue. All the food trucks/vendors that are screwed out of revenue from cancelled festivals. So many things I'm not thinking of. But lots of businesses are just going to fail. It's awful.
Agreed, and while it would have probably been even more containable had they shut down everything a few weeks ago, hopefully if everyone hunkers down for a couple weeks we can flatten out the infection rate a bit and get things going again even still the pause on social living for a few weeks will likely hurt everyone’s bottom line unfortunately. Though it hopefully will save a few lives in the process too.
Agreed, and while it would have probably been even more containable had they shut down everything a few weeks ago, hopefully if everyone hunkers down for a couple weeks we can flatten out the infection rate a bit and get things going again even still the pause on social living for a few weeks will likely hurt everyone’s bottom line unfortunately. Though it hopefully will save a few lives in the process too.

I also wish they would consider cover rent / bills for people who's jobs goes on hiatus while the economy grinds to halt during this pandemic. If they can bail out investors on wall street in the order of $1.7 trillion to stimulate the economy and ease nerve surely they can help the people. But sadly, I don't have that much fait in our government. They will never do it.
I also wish they would consider cover rent / bills for people who's jobs goes on hiatus while the economy grinds to halt during this pandemic. If they can bail out investors on wall street in the order of $1.7 trillion to stimulate the economy and ease nerve surely they can help the people. But sadly, I don't have that much fait in our government. They will never do it.
I think a sort of national sick pay is in the house bill, but it will be a surprise if it makes it to/through the Senate.
I also wish they would consider cover rent / bills for people who's jobs goes on hiatus while the economy grinds to halt during this pandemic. If they can bail out investors on wall street in the order of $1.7 trillion to stimulate the economy and ease nerve surely they can help the people. But sadly, I don't have that much fait in our government. They will never do it.
Completely agree. If there was ever a time for coming together for the “better good” this is it. But Congress is having issues with the aid package that has been put forth. Remember when The 2008 financial crisis hit and they sent out “stimulus” checks? Something like that seems reasonable.
I have family in Richmond. And I'm not too far from there myself. They are doing just fine there. I understand your concern and if you want me to help find any doctors or anything, let me know. But from my understanding, nothing is going haywire in Richmond yet.

Also, when all of this settles, if you ever go visit Richmond, please let me know! I'd come have a beer with you.
Thanks, @Teeeee. I'm not as worried about the virus itself as I am about my mom's mental state. My sister's been reassuring her but still, what do we know? My mom's been fighting loneliness while down there and the uncertainty around the insurance situation only compounds her anxiety that I really wish she were home now. This is such an insane situation that it's really bringing to light the inadequacies of our preparedness and social safety nets. To think of all these people who are going to risk going into work sick because they can't afford not to, it's maddening.
Thanks, @Teeeee. I'm not as worried about the virus itself as I am about my mom's mental state. My sister's been reassuring her but still, what do we know? My mom's been fighting loneliness while down there and the uncertainty around the insurance situation only compounds her anxiety that I really wish she were home now. This is such an insane situation that it's really bringing to light the inadequacies of our preparedness and social safety nets. To think of all these people who are going to risk going into work sick because they can't afford not to, it's maddening.
I'm so sorry. That loneliness makes sense.

Oh totally, my company pretty much has said, if you want to stay home, you have to use vacation time. So, they're basically inviting people who may have been exposed to come in and expose everyone else.

I've been walking around with clorox wipes, wiping every door handle or elevator button I come across. And the wipe is coming away with gobs of dirt. Meaning I'm the first person to have cleaned those spots in .... years? That's just so not ok.
I think it might just require employers to provide paid sick leave, which is good, but might exacerbate the problem in this crisis of businesses who are losing their income by people staying home.

It would likely also unfortunately include exemptions for small businesses. It is small businesses being impacted by this the most.