Neverending Covid-19 Coronavirus

What’s y’all’s beef with cruises?

The wife and I took one on our honeymoon. We enjoyed it.
I've honestly never been on one. They don't intrigue me. I don't like being told what to do. And I feel like cruise ships tell you when you can go onto the island and when you must leave. I like to explore the hidden gems of where I'm visiting.

I bet with the right group of people, it would be fun.

But that time may have passed. Both for me and for the industry.

Wow, there has been 6 pages added to this thread while I was on a zoom call.

Had the above article been posted yet?

I heard something about this at work, but hadn't seen a lot of info on it. Didn't know if it had come from a reliable source.

But it's a thing that some of the epicenters are considering - it takes so many people to do a proper code there isn't enough to care for the other patients...when there are 13+ patients dying in a day that's about 1 every 2 hours.
Anyone I know who has lived in a prominent cruise destination despised them. Obnoxious loud entitled tourists who get dropped off, clog the city, spend no money in the local economy and then disappear. We have an equal issue in rural Ireland with foreign tourists on bus tours from the cities, mainly Dublin. Anyone if you come here and want to see rural Ireland outside the main city you’re staying in please visit the places properly and come stay in the hotel, buy dinner in the restaurant, drink in the pub and invest in the local economy of the place you are invading.

100% this

Epidemiologist Neil Ferguson, who created the highly-cited Imperial College London coronavirus model, which has been cited by organizations like The New York Times and has been instrumental in governmental policy decision-making, offered a massively downgraded projection of the potential deathtoll on Wednesday.

Ferguson’s model projected 2.2 million dead people in the United States and 500,000 in the U.K. from COVID-19 if no action were taken to slow the virus and blunt its curve.

However, after just one day of ordered lockdowns in the U.K., Ferguson is presenting drastically downgraded estimates, revealing that far more people likely have the virus than his team figured. Now, the epidemiologist predicts, hospitals will be just fine taking on COVID-19 patients and estimates 20,000 or far fewer people will die from the virus itself or from its agitation of other ailments, as reported by New Scientist Wednesday.

Ferguson thus dropped his prediction from 500,000 dead to 20,000.

Essentially 1/2 of people who test positive never show any symptoms. This drastically cuts back projects of worst case scenarios.

Essentially 1/2 of people who test positive never show any symptoms. This drastically cuts back projects of worst case scenarios.

Somewhat good news, at least!
This is fascinating. If only most companies, or even our government, were as aware, proactive, and interested in being prepared as Howard E Butt's stores.

As a Texan and San Antonio resident

it’s honestly my career goal to work for H-E-B, they’re a great company that focus on community outreach and employee welfare!