Needles & Grooves AotM /// Vol. 47 - May 2023 /// Ages and Ages "Me You They We"


Hint #1 - a group of Russian revolutionaries with a fondness for the last month of the year sings this tripartite song about a landmass surrounded by water, with an especially grim third act [starting in the ninth minute] about underwater expiration
So it’s a weird Christian song by some Christmas Bolsheviks that is at least 12 minutes long? Sounds like some Phish bullshit to me.
There are three more hints/riddles for this practice level, so I'm hoping these ones go fast and we can get into level 1 of the guess thread.

Hint/Riddle #2: Folks, you and I currently experience weightlessness beyond earth's atmosphere and we are listening to a band who are the opposite of secularized

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Riddle #3: The female ruler of a secularized form of gospel music sang this song about linked segments of simpletons

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Any thoughts about what each of those songs have in common before I give the last riddle for this practice level?
Soooooooo, Ladies and Gentlemen Come and See the Fool Floating in Space, it's clearly Peter Schilling "Error in The System" featuring the totally original song Major Tom about a fool in space... maybe they get him down with a chain?

Riddle #4: the button-up sweaters plead for you to love them, love them, say that you love them
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