Needles & Grooves AoTM /// Vol. 3 - September 2019 /// Nicole Atkins - Goodnight, Rhonda Lee

That could get really metaphysical. "What IS the album?" A product made of the remains of the dead from millions of years ago? The etchings, made by sophisticated but rapidly deteriorating industrial equipment, that hold information that can only be revealed with the application of a diamond-tipped needle? The beauty of a particular singer's voice? The development of harmony in western music? The funding, strategy, and marketing by a vast corporate conglomerate? The emotional responses that particular sounds create in the minds of the listeners, whether through evolutionary or cultural development? All of these things? None of them? It all depends on what your definition of "is" is....

Don’t encourage storf behaviour in our lovely new surroundings...
No west coast questions?

OK. Then one clue today.

The album I chose is the artist's 4th album.

*insert Bey gif of her waving 4 fingers into your imagination here because I couldn't find said gif*