Needles & Grooves AotM /// Vol. 11 - May 2020 /// Kendra Morris - Mockingbird

I think that maybe... it's not on the list?

looks like it. :D

i'm sorry the clues frustrated some of you. i wanted to focus on the album and less on the artist because i felt clues that would identify the artist, especially early on, would not help in prolonging the identification of the album. i was hoping we would get a lot of guesses, and i think we got over 30 unique members to post at least one guess, so i am happy about that. a few of you got on the right track by guessing the song titles, but then no one else followed those trails. i hope when you see the clues and explanations now, that it allllll makes sense. :)

i forgot to mention - in addition to getting a digital copy to tide you over until Kendra can ship, anyone that *does* purchase the 'Mockingbird' album from Kendra directly will be entered into a drawing to win a 'prize pack' of additional Kendra Morris music/merch. that is another reason i am requesting to be pm's proof of ordering - so i can keep track of members who have bought the album. Deadline to buy/enter will be whenever the June AotM is announced.
You should have at least told us a decade, male or female, band or not, genre, decade, because we never think about cover albums

Btw for a covers album its pretty good. I usually don't like them because I hate seeing just another artist imitate much better original mixes (mostly because I hate the knock-off concerts where band just plays a bunch of popular song mediocely)
well, @duke86fan, i don't know what to tell you. i'm sorry the way i went about this made you feel that way. but i did what i wanted to do, not what others might think i should do, and perhaps it backfired. i don't know.

as for your second point, i do want to say i feel i took a gamble choosing 'Mockingbird' over choosing her original material on 'Banshee' or 'Babble' to use for this AotM. i knew i was going to ask for her permission to use the album, and debated whether doing so would possibly lessen her interest in allowing us to have the album since it's not her songwriting we're highlighting. but kendra has been nothing but gracious and supportive, and i really hope our community can return the favor by checking out her other material based on their experience with 'Mockingbird'.
well, @duke86fan, i don't know what to tell you. i'm sorry the way i went about this made you feel that way. but i did what i wanted to do, not what others might think i should do, and perhaps it backfired. i don't know.

as for your second point, i do want to say i feel i took a gamble choosing 'Mockingbird' over choosing her original material on 'Banshee' or 'Babble' to use for this AotM. i knew i was going to ask for her permission to use the album, and debated whether doing so would possibly lessen her interest in allowing us to have the album since it's not her songwriting we're highlighting. but kendra has been nothing but gracious and supportive, and i really hope our community can return the favor by checking out her other material based on their experience with 'Mockingbird'.
I’m excited to give this a shot, thanks for using this opportunity to introduce me to an artist I’m not familiar with!
well, @duke86fan, i don't know what to tell you. i'm sorry the way i went about this made you feel that way. but i did what i wanted to do, not what others might think i should do, and perhaps it backfired. i don't know.
i'm sorry for being mean.. its just a choice i wasn't big into.. i overhyped myself with other albums like pharcyde and kinda just need to calm down, its clearly a good choice and you clearly took us for a ride.. i guess i just like when we guess it and everyone is able to hype about it more
I looked in Andy's discogs collection for any Boo Radleys and found none so, unless he took precaution and took it out of his collection ahead of time (which I did with Clarence, so not out of the question), I'm unsure

i did exactly that. :D

on another note, when i first contacted her at the end of february, she mentioned she was going to be touring the midwest in mid-may, which timing-wise would have been nice! i was real excited about the potential that some members would actually be able to go to a show and connect with her there.
i'm sorry for being mean.. its just a choice i wasn't big into.. i overhyped myself with other albums like pharcyde and kinda just need to calm down, its clearly a good choice and you clearly took us for a ride.. i guess i just like when we guess it and everyone is able to hype about it more

it's ok. again, my goal was to not have the album be identified early because my hope was that we'd get a lot of members to participate in guessing so that someone could win a record. if it was guessed in the first week, then what? we'd have maybe 10-15 people in the pool? we ended up with 41! that's awesome to me. i *was* actively hoping someone would get it over these last few days, but i stuck to my schedule (save for adding clue #19) i had planned on for the roll-out.