Needles & Grooves AoTM /// Vol. 0 - June 2019 /// MARK DE CLIVE-LOWE - Heritage Vol.1

The other main reason why I picked this record is its name, Heritage, which has a special meaning for us, N&G forum members. Only when the VMP staff announced their decision to shut the forum down did I realized how important this place was in my life. Reading the forum’s posts was the first thing I used to do every morning. I wanted to know what had been told while I was sleeping and read all these posts about music, TV series, personal problems, sandwiches, hot dogs, etc…. I also used to find all these great people I have never had the opportunity to meet, people that I feel to know without really knowing but with whom I can discuss anything and everything. These people have no genre, no color, no religions, no political convictions. They are people with their own opinions but who respect those of others. These are people I love and exaggerating a little bit, it's almost a family (I certainly share more things with you all than I share with some of my family members). Am I wrong to think that? The number of contributors and the amount raised in just a few hours to help our dear administrators to build our new home proves that I might be right. I do not have the words to express how pleased I am to be part of this community and how proud I am of us. Once again, a very big thank you to, in alphabetic order, @AndySlash, @AnthonyI, @Captainfog, @Colonel_Angus , @David A., @gouis, @mcherry, @RenegadeMonster for their incredible work as well as for the time and energy they have given us. Needles & Grooves is our heritage and we, all of us, have to take care of our home.

Damnit @Skalap, you eloquent beautiful man!

@Skalap confession time.
The google map coordinates... what the hell was that? Really about the Ancestors Coffee shop?

So this map coordinates points to the ONLY place in the whole world where you can have an Asian/Japanese shop (I was looking for a Sushi restaurant, cliché... I know...) and a place called Ancestors or with a similar meaning. @blissfullychaotic got the Asiaan bazaar, @uvwxVinyl got the Ancestors bar but no one linked both together! I was so proud of this hint man! Ahahah!
This is tremendous, a hearty thanks to @Skalap for such an inspired first pick, and for launching this new initiative. I am going in mostly blind on this one, currently listening to the first track on bandcamp and the red vinyl has been ordered.

My only regret? That all of this didn't happen sooner...I just checked, and it looks as though Mark played my favorite jazz club here in Portland just six weeks ago. Oh well, here's hoping he will roll back through town again.

On that note, a heads up to our friends in California...he is playing at LACMA in L.A. tonight, and will be playing the San Francisco Jazz Festival in a couple of weeks. He will also be playing in Chicago late August.

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Thanks for this @Skalap ! This pick represents everything I originally subscribed to VMP for - mainly to be exposed to great music I wouldn't normally run across. I loved your write-up connecting the theme of the album to the new forum. Excellent job!
Thank you all. I love to read your words and see my reaction icon updating. I hope this N&G AOTM will keep rolling as I can see this as a great way to know more about each other and discover a lot of great music.
I did the tiniest little preview of this and already sounds great, and the even tinier preview of Vol 2 may be even better! I will definitely check them both out in full and wouldn't be the least bit surprised if I pick up both of them