
You missed the full moment:

Regarding the Taylor Swift/ Kanye West situation I would like to add something I wasn't aware of before and just have learned about reading some Kanye reddits.

Apparently Taylor's "Reputation" was released exactly on the 10th anniversary of the death of Kanyes mum Donda (November 10th 2017).
While I assume that this is total coincidence, it seems to be a big conspiracy thing among many Kanye fans. The fact that they're now possibly releasing a new album the same day of course adds to the story and the myth, given all their past history.

Completely agree with @gaporter and hope both albums are just great. 🙂
not what i said at all. kanye needs to stand in the back of the line for help. its not his turn and he has plenty of folks with tons more resources than people way less fortunate. not saying i dont want to see him get help - but hes not the priority at all.

I don’t think dismissing his antics is the answer either

not what i said at all. kanye needs to stand in the back of the line for help. its not his turn and he has plenty of folks with tons more resources than people way less fortunate. not saying i dont want to see him get help - but hes not the priority at all.
Would you consider someone of celebrity being featured in a news cycle “their turn”?

The fact remains that people everywhere can still get help for mental illness, but the dismissal of a prominent character on a platform of his size only furthers any public stigma that mental illness continues to possess.
@gaporter It's all good! Glad we got to hang in JQBX last night I just logged back in here this morning needed a break. Yes that is essentially the timeline. Also in 2019 Taylor spoke to DailyMail or some UK blog bashing Kanye again as a human being, but she has had shit experiences in regard to him so retaliation is fair. I just wanted to point out that a pattern of behavior led me to assume this was another well thought out plan.

I didn't want it to get that wild in Woob's post. My original statement which I still stand by is that she had her ducks in a row was calculated in her announcement. She started writing the album in March 2020, the same time she rehashed the long silenced beef. I think that was step 1. I don't think it's a problem though. I wasn't going to respond in the status until the whole Kanye worshipper thing happened. Admittedly I took that the wrong way as you stating, for me to believe she intentionally used the exact font and wording style as Pablo on Reputation (plus the Donda anniversary date of the drop), that I must be one of those sheep in the reddit page.

Who knows the truth, it's not a problem at all, I will still play hella Taylor and Kanye in the JQBX and enjoy their outputs as well! I hope everyone enjoys Folklore and Kanye's next album, whatever it may be called, when it finally arrives :)
Do you think it's coincidence that DND WTH CHLD can be read as either Donda With Child or "Donda: What the Hell, Child" ?

"Donda: What the Hell, Child" ?

Oh it's gotta be this. This is what Kanye's mom would scream through their Chicago home in the 90s when he was first learning beatmaking software I'm sure
nope, because its undeniable that kanye / or the folks responsible for or to him have capitalized off this. lets not get this too twisted. dudes sick. and he needs help. but with so many unknown and down trodden people that are much sicker or really need help; kanye has more than means to get the help - and so do the folks around him. whether its for profit or exposure i have zero idea why it hasnt happened yet - and thats a shame.

but still - kanye has a network of people and money and influence around him. hes like privatized specialized care at all times. and sometimes you just cant reach or help folks. kanye is just the posterboy at the moment due to his immense celebrity. and its super shameful that nobody around him is using this platform to raise money or awareness for such an important issue in this country (especially now) for mental health.

so yeah. my opinion. kanye needs to wait. hes not any more important than your uncle or some homeless guy on the street. im not dismissing him at all. im saying stop catering to the celebrity entitlement here and lets care for all the ones that dont have the means or support system. when the last time you stopped to talk to a homeless individual or give them a hot meal? for me it was three weeks ago as i went shopping in seattle chinatown. gave the dude a 20 and talked to him. you?

Would you consider someone of celebrity being featured in a news cycle “their turn”?

The fact remains that people everywhere can still get help for mental illness, but the dismissal of a prominent character on a platform of his size only furthers any public stigma that mental illness continues to possess.
On the one hand: normalize mental health. Eliminate the stigma attached to mental health problems. Give people grace when something is wrong. Don't use their distress as a source of humor.

On the other: "there are no good billionaires" means "there are no good billionaires," and Kanye West is very publicly now a billionaire. Paranoia and delusions of grandeur and erratic behavior are things he may not be able to control. Resistance to medication is notoriously common. However....however....however, MOST people experiencing these problems don't *also* have an outsized platform that allows them to threaten to interfere with a nation's political integrity, or to capture the attention of an entire social media network, or to provoke Elon Musk into doing Elon Musk things. MOST people aren't married to a media mogul who has built an empire out of putting her entire family's personal life on the air for public consumption. MOST people, when feeling resistant to taking medication, don't potentially influence thousands or millions of other people's feelings on the same issue.

So, I don't know. Would Kanye getting treatment and being handled by the public & the media with respect and discretion be a good thing? Probably. Would treatment for him potentially keep the conversation going about how mental health issues can affect literally anyone, and how the path to wellness isn't a straight line? Sure.

But can you capitalize on your illness, wield it as a superpower, constantly proclaim your personal & artistic superiority, participate in the Kardashian profiteering empire of tabloid sleaze, etc., and expect to have a modicum of privacy when the bad times come? I think that's where the real controversy lies. Kanye's illness is not his fault, but everything he's done with it is his responsibility.

I don't know if anyone else feels similarly, but I think what I'm struggling to articulate is that I feel like I can empathize with the distress Kanye is apparently in, while not sympathizing with his situation almost at all. The man has what I consider literally unimaginable resources at his disposal; they can't magically make him happy, or make him well, but that doesn't mean he isn't misusing them in the meantime.

Edit: I probably should have just linked this Buzzfeed article, which was a surprisingly nuanced look at what's going on:

I find myself a little more critical than the article ends up being, but it's still worth the 5 minutes.
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I have two siblings with Bipolar disorder, which inspired me to major in psychology and work the first couple years of my career in a psychiatric hospital (the same one they both went to). I'm obviously not an expert/professional in these matters by any stretch of the imagination, but I do have a decent amount of first hand experience.

Do I think Kanye deserves help more than anyone else with similar issues? Of course not. But in a lot of ways I think it is even more important for him to get help since he is such a public figure. Bipolar disorder can differ drastically in symptoms and severity from person to person, and it has led to it being misunderstood, stigmatized, or just disregarded as basic personality issues (though admittedly, these issues are not unique in mental health at all).

He very clearly needs help and someone in the public eye like him getting the help he needs and being successfully treated to the point these public manic breakdowns stop happening would be a wonderful example that this can be treated successfully. And it can be inspiring to individuals with Bipolar disorder, and they're support systems, that it's not just something they have to live with and symptoms can be properly managed with the right treatment.
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To me, it feels like allowing Kanye to publicly melt down, to devote the news cycle to what is the manifestation of deeper issues, is what's irresponsible for the stigmatization of mental illness. The way the media and public treat Kanye allows us all to continue a narrative of "See? That's what it looks like to be mentally ill." There's no focus on treatment, reflection, or recovery. The see-saw, the ups and downs, the refusal of treatment; these are all stereotypes of mental illness, and we get to absolve ourselves for staring because it's placed right in front of us by the media.

I have a sister who is bipolar; she's struggled most of her life since we were teenagers. My parents treated her behavior much like the press treats Kanye: a frustration nuisance who is choosing to "be this way." It was incredibly destructive for her, and had they taken her situation seriously rather than alienating her, she'd be in a much better place today.

I might agree that we can't "ignore" this, but somehow the binary has become either ignore him or rev up the media circus. There's no middle ground. Personally, I think maintaining focus on the current narrative is a whole lot more destructive than turning away.

Anyway, thanks for linking that article, Indy; it vocalizes a lot of what I'm trying to say here. Sorry you're not feeling heard, Benhawaii, but I feel you. I'll leave y'all with this choice bit:

But it would be equally disingenuous to pretend that West doesn’t wear his trauma and his pain and his diagnosis on his sleeve, or that it should have no bearing on how the media covers him. We urgently need a new public language that pulls all of these threads together — a language that explains but doesn’t excuse, a language that contextualizes but doesn’t absolve.