
What’s with Kanye and ppl wearing orange ? Have we cracked that code ?

Well, he has constantly preached death to privately owned prisons on numerous occasions. He has talked about 1 in 4 black men being locked up, and more recently how now it's gone to 1 in 3.

He also had this energy with the Confederate flag before he "made it his own" and did that whole display so me being the devil's advocate as always with Ye assumes this is that all.over again. Hes been VERY cyclical since his mom died. Its always around viting time 2008, 2010, 2012/13 cuz yeezus rollout was a whole ordeal for a year, 2016, 2018, and now 2020
SC update:


On one hand it's brutal that you can so freely abuse the political system in the US and just goes to show how diluted and farcical the office of the POTUS is becoming. Then again, on the other hand, that's probably the point.

I'm someone who loves Kanye's music but I'm also someone who walked out of a concert of his (it was the Yeezus tour when he was going on 10 min rants that were extremely offensive and illogical).

This emoji probably summarizes my overall feeling about this thing 🤷‍♂️ . Still looking forward to the album and hope it's good.
I feel incredibly conflicted about this. One the one, I agree that we hold a massive stigma against mental illness. It's troubling to see plenty of people who are fully aware of the issues he's been facing hold him up as an object of ridicule and fascination. It's even worse that there are plenty of people who don't understand bipolar disorder and simply chalk Kanye down as a "nutjob," which is an easy way to stigmatize and treat the whole thing as an unavoidable trainwreck one cannot help but ogle.

However, it's also super damaging that the people around him enable him and go along with whatever wild jag he's currently on. He's either not getting any help, or he's not getting the help he needs. It's also damaging that the media buys into everything he says; he's being given a platform which most of us have no control over. That's not the public's responsibility. Personally, I've felt irresponsible even having a conversation about the guy; any credence we as the public give to his outbursts just validate the notion that he's fine on his own.

I want Kanye to be okay. However, it's not my job to make sure he's okay.
While I agree we should make fun of someone who has a mental illness, I seem to remember back after Ye dropped Kanye said something about not actually having bi-polar disorder? Like it felt like at the time, he used that to fuel the rollout for Ye, and then shortly after walked it back. Am I making this up? I swear something like that happened...

That is all to say I'm not suggesting not taking what others are saying seriously. But it's hard to know what is legitimate.

Edit: yeah here it is: https://www.thefix.com/kanye-west-says-he-was-misdiagnosed-bipolar-disorder
Keep bipolar people away from mass media broadcasts if you want empathy. I do feel sorry for anyone who deals with a person with that condition. We have a friend like that, she can be great or a total mess, ready to kill herself or leave the state.
i feel bad for kanye. but this is going too far. there's plenty of folks suffering with debilitating mental illness in the world. buying his albums, his art, his clothing, footwear, etc. at some point is just enabling him. pure and simple.

i went and donated to a real charity dedicated to helping those LESS FORTUNATE than ye and will not be returning to this thread until mental illness is assisted better than a billionaire who hasn't.

theres plenty of folks way more deserving than this guy currently. lets show them some love and give kanye a break. properbly the best thing for both parties at this point.
So this is the timeline that's laid out in this article
- Kanye interrupts Taylor's speech at the VMAs
- Taylor and Kanye both make art that's reflective of their feelings on the event
- They eventually are back on good terms again
- Kanye calls Taylor to get her approval on a song
- Kanye says he and Taylor might still have sex because "(he) made that bitch famous"
- Taylor gets mad because, as a later video reveals, that line apparently didn't come up in the phone call
- Kim Kardashian posts the video (of a private phone call) that is edited down to appear that she's approving specifically of that line
- People turn on her because of that and she releases an album influenced by the negative press surrounding her and stress of being a celebrity that she has experienced (who else made an album in response to those same things before? 🤔)
- The full video of the phone call is released several years later, giving more credence that what Taylor tried to say happened was true

I intend on watching the full phone call btw, I admit I haven't. You were saying that the two have history and that Taylor is "very calculated." So is the problem that she is releasing her album the same day Kanye is (supposedly) releasing his?
So is the problem that she is releasing her album the same day Kanye is (supposedly) releasing his?
Don't wanna put words in boojy's mouth, but I think there's a difference between pointing out that one of them may be seizing the moment & syncing this up intentionally for maximum impact, and calling it a "problem." A new album from Taylor or Kanye is an event, but new albums from both at the same time is a story.

Don't wanna put words in boojy's mouth, but I think there's a difference between pointing out that one of them may be seizing the moment & syncing this up intentionally for maximum impact, and calling it a "problem." A new album from Taylor or Kanye is an event, but new albums from both at the same time is a story.

You're correct. I'm doing a lot of assuming with my choice of words there. I would hope Jon knows that I'm not trying to start an argument but just discuss it, more or less.

For me, Kanye and Taylor are both artists who have had to deal with people flinging shit their way through the better parts of their career and have had to endure some of the worst side effects of fame and the tabloids; this is obviously due in part to one another at some points but not entirely. Taylor has had to deal with sexism and people questioning her talent to the point where when she puts out 1989, it's pop fluff to be scoffed at, but when Ryan Adams puts it out, it's suddenly an emotional, lyrical masterpiece. I don't want to stir shit up and name names but I've seen the very same sentiment covertly expressed just today on this forum that a man's influence will make her music better. Kanye has had to deal with his own host of issues, such as being rejected by the industry, being mocked and reprimanded due to his mental health problems and outspoken nature, his personal life being incessantly picked apart by the tabloids (something he and Taylor could probably bond over) and, like Taylor, his own art being questioned and his talents being doubted time and time again because of who he is. I think they are both talented people and I have some degree of sympathy for both. But none of what I just mentioned is discussed in that article, and it was posted without comment after Jon had been discussing how Taylor and Kanye have had a history in the past and framing Taylor as petty. But to me the events in that article don't paint either Kanye or Taylor as petty, but it shows there's conflict on both sides that has been aggravated by a lack of honesty and clearheadedness from both parties involved. I'm not interested in arguing for either of them as being right or wrong, but I know that it's easy to call Taylor petty for releasing her album on the same day and paint her as being a calculated snake trying to undercut Kanye's career, and I feel like if someone's going to raise that point, then link off to an article that shows both artists playing into the drama, it's worth trying to get clarity on the situation.

Anyways, it's all love @Jonathan Y. I look forward to hearing what Taylor and Kanye both have in store for tomorrow and I hope we both enjoy the albums 💙