Hot Take/ Musical Confession Thread!

I appreciated the thoughtful comments about Pet Sounds, and as it was a “hot take” thread my original comment was just that, figured it would start some conversation at least. View attachment 14524

Woke up this morning and decided to give it a go again with my first cup of Joe.

I totally get the innovation, and I don’t dislike the music. I feel like if I had been between the ages of 13-20 when it released, it would have a bigger meaning to me. The lyrical angst/anxiety is extremely relatable for sure.

I get the albums place in history, I just don’t think I’d put it in a top 20 list personally.

Here’s my hot take on Pet Sounds:

Only white people would think it was universal.

Come on man. I feel shitty in my 20’s so I’m gonna sail around the Caribbean.
Not sure if they changed some lyrics but Sloop John B is a Bahamian traditional song.

For the record, I don't think I'd ever go so far as to say any music is truly universal.

This is the hot take thread get those facts outta

Seriously though didnt he escape off to the Bahamas on his G dad’s boat for a while.
Or worse still, people that refer to their SO as Mama (lookin’ at you AC Slater) or Papa/Daddy/Papi. Seem like a serious Oedipus complex Going on in those relationships.
An Oedipus Complex is the son/mother fixation the reverse of that is an Electra Complex.

Either way, not my bag, but as long as everyone involved is a consensual adult, not my concern.