Everything Video Games!

Wingspan is coming to the Switch! It's an A+ level board game, I cant wait to see how the digital version shakes out.

I haven't had a chance to play it yet, but I was excited when I heard this since I've heard so many great things about it.

It's very good. One of those games that's difficult to explain but comes together for new players within a round or two.
I don't know how I'd survive without an Xbox right now.

I forgot who had recommended me sticking with Borderlands 2, but thank you! it's incredibly fun. I'm making my way through all of the DLC at the moment since I got it via Game Pass.

Also currently playing:
  • Final Fantasy XV (my first foray into the franchise)
  • Gears 5
  • GTA V (still haven't finished story mode)
  • Batman Arkham Knight
I've downloaded Kingdom Hearts 3 and still have the disc for Assassin's Creed Odyssey which I've yet to install left to play.

I still have to work (remote), but without most forms of entertainment/sports/etc on hold I've had a lot of free time.

I'm glad everyone is excited for Animal Crossing but i've been waiting for Doom Eternal since I finshed the last one. Can't wait!!

Amazon has delayed it's shipment for me and currently is listed as an unkown delivery :( I don't want digital but I might have no choice if I want to play it tomorrow