Everything Video Games!

After playing with the controller on my bedroom TV and my Cellphone yesterday, I have a bit more hope for Stadia.

I only had issues when I was on my cellphone in my living room, and that's understandable as my wifi coverage is shite in my house and I don't have a fantastic connection to begin with. There was a bit of lag, but Destiny 2 was playable and looked surprisingly great on my tiny little phone.

I think Google did a poor job of illustrating that this isn't a game streaming service. It's not like getting Game Pass, or a Netflix account. It's more like renting a new console. The console is free if you don't care about high end graphics or store discounts. You just have to buy the games.

The biggest hurdle being that everyone already owns a PC or a console, so until the next gen is necessary, this option doesn't make a lot of sense, especially with no exclusives and a very sparse store.

The benefits will be fantastic when they finally implement all the features they touted.
-The seamless transition from screen to screen.
-Not needing to keep up with new consoles or PC hardware.
-Not having to install or update my games.
-The possibilities for multiplayer when your host is an enterprise datacenter.

This was a bold move on Googles part, one I don't think they entirely thought out. But if they can get the support, integrate everything with assistant and home automation... maybe. They probably jumped in a little too early, time will tell.
I really love the idea. I really wanted to play RDR2 but not enough to buy a PS4 or Xbox One (forget about PC gaming for me), but since I can simply buy it off of Stadia once they open the free service then I will really consider getting it and a Bluetooth controller and playing it that way.
I see none of you heathens are discussing Death Stranding. Shameful.
Getting there! Got through the first couple chapters, then Pokemon came out. I'll get back on it this weekend. Already hit the credits on Pokemon Sword.

I've loved what we've seen so far in Death Stranding. Some parts even had us laughing till we cried. Whether that was intentional, I don't know, but it's been a great source of entertainment. Above all else, a game should make you feel something, and it's done that already.
DDLC was my game of the year when it came out, and I didn't even play it myself. I first learned about it when Jesse Cox and Dodger played it. A dating sim around a literature seemed like a game they would totally play, so I went along with it, completely naive. I was blown away at the buildup and reveal, and then all the even crazier stuff that happened afterwards. After that, Game Grumps started playing it. Arin knew what was coming, but Dan was oblivious and got sucked into the story. The episode with the big reveal released right before Christmas, and it was probably the best present my wife and I got that year. They were doing the 10-20 minute episodes of it, so there was a big huge buildup over at least a month to get to that point, and all the insanity afterwards. I think it broke Dan a bit, but man oh man was it funny for us viewers.
I finished my first play through of The Outer Worlds last night. I think I got one of the "good" endings, or at least really close to it, as almost all of the epilogue stuff was good.

My only real issue with the game was the final area. Hopefully this isn't a huge spoiler or anything, but there is a bit of an issue with that area, in that it does not accommodate stealth builds, unless you built it VERY specifically. You are pretty much forced into a fight unless you also have high lockpick AND hacking (100 and 92 respectively). I did not have enough hack, so I had to fight. I was even able to sneak around the main enemy, but pick pocketing him to get the key I needed to advance was sadly not an option, forcing me to fight. My build was not well suited to this fight, and I ended up dying several times before I was able to scrape by.

I don't think I got the very best ending, assuming keeping the Chairman and Adjutant alive contributes to the best ending. I was unable to talk either one down, and had to kill both. I did the other good options through - save Edgewater, build peace between MSI and iconoclasts, save the minister, do all companion quests, etc. The only other thing that seemed a little bad in the epilogue was Felix's outcome. In his quest I ended up exposing his former mentor for being a Board patsy, and he attacked us. His blurb at the end seemed like he never found any character progression, and just devoted his life to being helpful where he could. The two characters I liked the most, Parvati and Nyoka, had great endings, and I was really happy for how their stories turned out. I also like that the Vicar found peace and Ellie came out a better person too.
Getting a Switch for Christmas. We’ll be getting Mario Cart and Zelda as givens, but anything else we should consider? Also have a PS4, so any exclusives or indies would be great!
Mario Odyssey is a must have, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is one of my personal favorite switch games, Splatoon 2 is a fun online shooter although I'm still upset with its lack of local multiplayer, Smash and Mario Party are both fun multiplayer games, and Fire Emblem Three Houses is probably my Switch GOTY this year. That pretty much covers the big name titles, and then there are a ton of smaller indie games in the online store that are fun (Untitled Goose Game, Stardew Valley, Hollow Knight, Rocket League, Overcooked 2, Wargroove, Celeste, Golf Story)
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