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Hmm, so the days of bargain bin finds could soon be behind us.

I've picked up a few 9 month old PS5 games for like $15 now. One of my co-workers almost exclusively waits a year after their release to buy games in bargain bins verses paying full MSRP when they are released.

You can often get physical copies for less than digital copies at that point.
Is Pokémon Scarlet / Violet good? I’ve been debating picking it up. Haven’t played a Pokémon game since I was a kid, but I am interested to play through a new version of something super nostalgic. I’ve already read the criticisms, and I don’t think I care too much about that. Still seems fun? I have looked at Arceus too, but I am confused about whether or not you actually battle gym trainers in the game? Seems like you just wander around and battle Pokémon and get all of them? Seems more aimless idk.

I am still not that deep into Tears of the Kingdom, but I’m enjoying dipping in and out of it. I went and did my own thing for a while before realizing I wasn’t following what I should be doing with the temples. So I’m trying to do all of those in a better order now.

I am also going to get the new Mario this coming week for sure. Looks amazing. But I thought maybe a new Pokémon game would be fun to play for a bit to take a little break from TOTK.
Is Pokémon Scarlet / Violet good? I’ve been debating picking it up. Haven’t played a Pokémon game since I was a kid, but I am interested to play through a new version of something super nostalgic. I’ve already read the criticisms, and I don’t think I care too much about that. Still seems fun? I have looked at Arceus too, but I am confused about whether or not you actually battle gym trainers in the game? Seems like you just wander around and battle Pokémon and get all of them? Seems more aimless idk.

I am still not that deep into Tears of the Kingdom, but I’m enjoying dipping in and out of it. I went and did my own thing for a while before realizing I wasn’t following what I should be doing with the temples. So I’m trying to do all of those in a better order now.

I am also going to get the new Mario this coming week for sure. Looks amazing. But I thought maybe a new Pokémon game would be fun to play for a bit to take a little break from TOTK.

In Arceus you don't battle other trainers or in gyms. It's not a main series pokemon game so it's got a different goal which is research. Basically finding and catching as many pokemon as you can.

Scarlet and Violet take the catching experience from Arceus and combined it with the main series game goals of battling other trainers and in gyms.

I found it quite fun and enjoyed it thoroughly.
There is another called Rise of the Tomb Raider from 2015. I think I liked that one the most out of the 3, personally.
+1 on Rise of the Tomb Raider. All three of the modern are great but Rise is the pinnacle, IMO. I compare it to the three main Arkham games (Asylum, City, Knight) of which I think City found the sweet spot of expanding on the original but without the bloat of the third.

Rise is the same way. It expanded combat, skill tree, exploration, side missions without feeling unmanageable. Shadow of the Tomb Raider, while still good, just intensified everything great about Rise without adding much (again, IMO). I will say, though, some of the stealth kills in Shadow are great (like mudding up against a wall). Still, I think Rise is the best experience in a great series.
+1 on Rise of the Tomb Raider. All three of the modern are great but Rise is the pinnacle, IMO. I compare it to the three main Arkham games (Asylum, City, Knight) of which I think City found the sweet spot of expanding on the original but without the bloat of the third.

Rise is the same way. It expanded combat, skill tree, exploration, side missions without feeling unmanageable. Shadow of the Tomb Raider, while still good, just intensified everything great about Rise without adding much (again, IMO). I will say, though, some of the stealth kills in Shadow are great (like mudding up against a wall). Still, I think Rise is the best experience in a great series.
I've only ever played Arkham Knight for like a half hour 4 years ago via Game Pass. are those games worth revisiting/trying out?
I've only ever played Arkham Knight for like a half hour 4 years ago via Game Pass. are those games worth revisiting/trying out?
Have you never played Asylum, City, Origins, or Gotham Knights?

Gotham Knights (the latest) I have minimal XP with as I only played a couple hours and it didn't give me the same feels. Origins is good but I'll treat the three main Arkham games (Asylum, City, Knight) alone.

City is a spectacular game. I've replayed it multiple times and it is so good. The combat and chaining moves is stupid fun.

The first, Asylum, is good but is missing a lot of what City brought to the table (side missions, much more lore, exploration). But there is a thread line between the games (especially first two), so if you enjoy a story I'd play them in order.

Arkham Knights suffers from the bloat I mentioned. And people hated the Batmobile/Tumbler. Driving around in it is fine, but missions you have to complete with it are tedious and just really come off as an annoyance to get through rather than a lot of fun. Also, people complained about the main antagonist - I've no real strong feelings on it except that it does lack compared to the first two games. Still a fun game.

But, yes, if you enjoy fantastic third person games with awesome combat and an open world experience (with boundaries - this isn't Witcher 3 or RDR2, for example) they are worth revisiting.
Have you never played Asylum, City, Origins, or Gotham Knights?

Gotham Knights (the latest) I have minimal XP with as I only played a couple hours and it didn't give me the same feels. Origins is good but I'll treat the three main Arkham games (Asylum, City, Knight) alone.

City is a spectacular game. I've replayed it multiple times and it is so good. The combat and chaining moves is stupid fun.

The first, Asylum, is good but is missing a lot of what City brought to the table (side missions, much more lore, exploration). But there is a thread line between the games (especially first two), so if you enjoy a story I'd play them in order.

Arkham Knights suffers from the bloat I mentioned. And people hated the Batmobile/Tumbler. Driving around in it is fine, but missions you have to complete with it are tedious and just really come off as an annoyance to get through rather than a lot of fun. Also, people complained about the main antagonist - I've no real strong feelings on it except that it does lack compared to the first two games. Still a fun game.

But, yes, if you enjoy fantastic third person games with awesome combat and an open world experience (with boundaries - this isn't Witcher 3 or RDR2, for example) they are worth revisiting.
I haven’t played any of them besides Knights. I recall driving around and thinking that it was tedious and eventually moved onto another game, had to clear space on my HD and decided that was next to go. If they’re all on GamePass I’ll give them ago!
I know some kind of remaster of the first 3 Tomb Raider games was recently announced

I did see that.

But the rumors from earlier this year was that there was a new game well into development using the Unreal 5 engine.

Could that be the remaster of the first 3 Tomb Raiders games? That sounds like more of remake than a remaster if that is the case.
