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Just ordered the Horizon Call of the Mountain PS VR2 Bundle from Sony Direct. Expected launch delivery window of 2/22 through 2/28.

What are VR games will be compatible with the PS VR2 at launch. Was it something like GT7 or 8 and one of the Resident Evil games?
Any recommendations for once I’m done with GoW?
If you haven't considered Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West yet, they're my PS faves (aside from Bloodborne). Forbidden West was my #1 reason for hounding the limited PS5 drops till we lucked out (which we managed before the game's release).

As a GoW:R fan, I think you'd appreciate Horizon's incredible graphics and unique style of combat too! Both GoW and Horizon studios are mutual fans of each other, and there's several GoW easter eggs scattered throughout the Horizon FW map.
If you haven't considered Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West yet, they're my PS faves (aside from Bloodborne). Forbidden West was my #1 reason for hounding the limited PS5 drops till we lucked out (which we managed before the game's release).

As a GoW:R fan, I think you'd appreciate Horizon's incredible graphics and unique style of combat too! Both GoW and Horizon studios are mutual fans of each other, and there's several GoW easter eggs scattered throughout the Horizon FW map.
Thanks - I played a bit of Zero Dawn on the ps4 but not huge amounts so I’ll definitely check out Forbidden West then!
If you haven't considered Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West yet, they're my PS faves (aside from Bloodborne). Forbidden West was my #1 reason for hounding the limited PS5 drops till we lucked out (which we managed before the game's release).

As a GoW:R fan, I think you'd appreciate Horizon's incredible graphics and unique style of combat too! Both GoW and Horizon studios are mutual fans of each other, and there's several GoW easter eggs scattered throughout the Horizon FW map.
it's looking like HFW is coming to PS+ this month
Like zoo tycoon? Like pixal art animals? Want to be able to choose whether to take good care of your animals or mass produce animal products from your zoo animals? Or both?

Have I got a game for you.

Getting nervous that I will not have my PS VR2 on launch day. The tracking is still sitting on "Label Created". And UPS tracking no longer shows a delivery estimate. Just says "The delivery date will be provided as soon as possible".
DL'd Atomic Heart this morning and played it for like 10 minutes on my Series S just now just walking around... seems like it could be cool, though reviews seem pretty divisive. was kind of surprised it didn't seem to have any graphical settings (at least for Series S), I guess they just optimized it to how they felt best and made that the only way to play.

will need to check it out further when I have time, not sure it's one I'll stick with, but with Game Pass there's zero harm in trying it out.
DL'd Atomic Heart this morning and played it for like 10 minutes on my Series S just now just walking around... seems like it could be cool, though reviews seem pretty divisive. was kind of surprised it didn't seem to have any graphical settings (at least for Series S), I guess they just optimized it to how they felt best and made that the only way to play.

will need to check it out further when I have time, not sure it's one I'll stick with, but with Game Pass there's zero harm in trying it out.
Got my code early yesterday since I preordered back in 2018. Was glad they automatically included the PS5 upgrade even though my console edition preorder was categorized as PS4. Played an hour or so yesterday. Seems good so far. Super polished graphics and a distinct art direction.

The amalgamation of BioShock, Fallout, Metro and Prey is right up my alley. We'll see how it all pans out tone-wise which I think is where some people are already struggling. I left off near the start of the first complex. Still familiarizing with the combat. Even the initial bots are pretty spry and have walloped me a few times already.

Either way, seems like it will be an easy win for Game Passers and those like me who paid $25 back before the game had larger investment.
Is it not April 1st? This is wild
yeah, I feel like this was being talked about a little while ago but I guess it's actually finally official.

CoD used to be on Nintendo platforms. I'm not exactly sure which side ended that for a while, if I'm remembering correctly it was only because it barely sold on Wii/Wii-U/DS, so Activision stopped working on making those... but this is interesting. either Nintendo has something new coming soon that'll be able to run current CoD+Warzone, which would be awesome or Switch is getting CoD Mobile or some kind of Cloud version, which would be less than awesome.
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Finished Dark Souls 2 last weekend. At some point I got really gud, but mainly just upgraded my weapons an armor to their max and it was a breeze. Surprisingly the Craftmans's Hammer was my go to for most of the game. I liked how it was not massive, quick to swing, and never breaks. I tried out a couple of special weapons but hated how they worked even if they caused greater damange. They either broke too easily or were just too large and heavy when the Craftman's Hammer is only 3 weight. I tried the Crown of the Sunken King DLC but the boss battles were annoying and almost made me want to give up. I finished that DLC but I think I'm good on DS2 for now.

On the other hand, I started Dark Souls 3 and it's kicking my ass. Not really the bosses, but the general environment and normal enemies are much more viscious and do much more damage than DS2. It feels more similar to DS1 than DS2 did. If I don't methodically kill each enemy one by one I'm fucked. Which is super annoying when I try to rush to an area to pick up my souls. I've been less successful doing that and end up losing several thousand souls. Within the first hour, I died by accidentally rolling off a cliff outside Firelink Shrine after beating the beginning boss. So, because of those lost souls I feel underleveled at about 5 hours in. I'm playing as a Pyromancer, which is pretty sweet but I've been hacking and slashing it until I find some newer better pyros and level up some more. Plus you cannot upgrade armor in DS3 so I have been taking a lot of damage still using the starting armor with a low carry weight.

One thing I liked about DS2 was after 15 kills of an enemy they'd disappear. It made returning to areas easy. Plus I struggled hard with Dead Man's Wharf since there is only one bonfire. After a few runs deeper into it the starting enemies were gone. That was nice. Also in DS2 levels were like candy, they were practically giving them away. I found a ring which gives you bonus souls with each enemy killed but I still feel like everything is tougher.