Cute Animal Thread

As we approach four months with these adopted siblings, things are going well I'd say. They still stay away from anyone but my wife and I, we hope that will change, we'd love for them to be more social instead of hiding when people come over. Either way though, they seem to be relaxed and comfortable with us now.

Unplanned new addition...



So...yesterday I'm sitting at a stoplight at a busy intersection waiting to make a left turn. I look to my left where there are 3 lanes of traffic. This little guy is squatted down in the center of the middle lane. I watch 3 cars drive right over him and miraculously he doesn't move. The light changes and miracle #2 is I have no one behind me. This never happens on this highway. I have just enough space to make my turn, hit the flashers and put it in park. I didn't want to scare him for fear he'd run into all the traffic whizzing around so I approached slowly. I reached out to pet him and he made a move but it was toward me. I scooped him up and popped him in the car. He immediately disappeared.

Got home and my wife sat in the car with some food to try and get him to come out. An hour later, not a peep. Temps were in the 90's and we had to get him out. I thought he was under one of the seats - not there. We start in the back of the vehicle and work forward. Can't find him. I got on my back and started feeling around under the dash. There's a foot...and it's not moving. At this point I feared who knows how long lying on the asphalt had gotten him. I grabbed the tools and started pulling the dash out of the car piece by piece, eventually hitting a point where I could see him wedged into a tiny gap. Then I saw his ear move. I was able to pull the glove box trim back enough for my wife to fit her hand in and pull him out.

And here we are...5 cats and 3 dogs.
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Unplanned new addition...

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So...yesterday I'm sitting at a stoplight at a busy intersection waiting to make a left turn. I look to my left where there are 3 lanes of traffic. This little guy is squatted down in the center of the middle lane. I watch 3 cars drive right over him and miraculously he doesn't move. The light changes and miracle #2 is I have no one behind me. This never happens on this highway. I have just enough space to make my turn, hit the flashers and put it in park. I didn't want to scare him for fear he'd run into all the traffic whizzing around so I approached slowly. I reached out to pet him and he made a move but it was toward me. I scored him up and popped him in the car. He immediately disappeared.

Got home and my wife sat in the car with some food to try and get him to come out. An hour later, not a peep. Temps were in the 90's and we had to get him out. I thought he was under one of the seats - not there. We start in the back of the vehicle and work forward. Can't find him. I got on my back and started feeling around under the dash. There's a foot...and it's not moving. At this point I feared who knows how long lying on the asphalt had gotten him. I grabbed the tools and started pulling the dash out of the car piece by piece, eventually hitting a point where I could see him wedged into a tiny gap. Then I saw his ear move. I was able to pull the glove box trim back enough for my wife to fit her hand in and pull him out.

And here we are...5 cats and 3 dogs.
Oh man, this is the best story I've heard in quite awhile. So, so heartwarming. Way to go.
Unplanned new addition...

View attachment 145220

View attachment 145219View attachment 145218View attachment 145216

So...yesterday I'm sitting at a stoplight at a busy intersection waiting to make a left turn. I look to my left where there are 3 lanes of traffic. This little guy is squatted down in the center of the middle lane. I watch 3 cars drive right over him and miraculously he doesn't move. The light changes and miracle #2 is I have no one behind me. This never happens on this highway. I have just enough space to make my turn, hit the flashers and put it in park. I didn't want to scare him for fear he'd run into all the traffic whizzing around so I approached slowly. I reached out to pet him and he made a move but it was toward me. I scooped him up and popped him in the car. He immediately disappeared.

Got home and my wife sat in the car with some food to try and get him to come out. An hour later, not a peep. Temps were in the 90's and we had to get him out. I thought he was under one of the seats - not there. We start in the back of the vehicle and work forward. Can't find him. I got on my back and started feeling around under the dash. There's a foot...and it's not moving. At this point I feared who knows how long lying on the asphalt had gotten him. I grabbed the tools and started pulling the dash out of the car piece by piece, eventually hitting a point where I could see him wedged into a tiny gap. Then I saw his ear move. I was able to pull the glove box trim back enough for my wife to fit her hand in and pull him out.

And here we are...5 cats and 3 dogs.
Awesome story, and what a cutie! Congrats.
The trip to Florida wasn't all relaxation, it was getting one daughter moved into a new condo, one daughter moved in to get ready for her freshman year of college and a lot of Ikea furniture, a lot of moving and hanging and fixing, lol.

BUT, when we did relax, Granpup Finley made Grandpa feel all warm and fuzzy while watching The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. I'm trashed, but she's adorable :)

I don't know his name but if it's not Shane McGowan I'm deeply disappointed.
Oh man that's such a good call. But it's actually a she, Nyla. And the dental work happened about 3 years after we got her when she scaled our 6 foot wooden backyard fence and leapt over it 3 times, at least one time landing on her face. Hence the single fang and 4 less teeth.
Oh man that's such a good call. But it's actually a she, Nyla. And the dental work happened about 3 years after we got her when she scaled our 6 foot wooden backyard fence and leapt over it 3 times, at least one time landing on her face. Hence the single fang and 4 less teeth.
Oh, man. Poor Nyla. One of our many rescues had a similar thing going on but it didn't involve teeth. Abby was a 65lb hound mix. She'd constantly break out of a fenced area only to immediately try and get back inside. Her preferred escape method was squeezing herself through impossibly small holes under the fence, often dislocating her left leg in the process. In fact, she dislocated it 3 times over the 8 years we lived in that house.
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