August '22 - N&G VINYL SPINS CHALLENGE - Don’t tell @MikeH

14. Blue Train

As if my life wasn't complicated enough, now I got Super Secret Bonus Brownie Points to worry about. The fake rules keep changing. This challenge shifts on a whim as if it's run by, by......a dictator. This appears to be confirmation my previous comical remark that @Lee Newman lives at Mar-A-Lago is in fact not so comical.

Neil Young can do some weird things that many folks don't understand. There's always a deeper meaning beneath the surface.

In 1995 when Lionel Trains went bankrupt, Neil Young and some partners bought Lionel.

A wonderful story about Neil and trains and Ben. The best thing you'll watch today...

Neil Young & Crazy Horse - reactor

got a bit of catching up to do
12. Misunderstood
this guy's albums litter every single charity shop in the UK and quite rightly too but if you go right back to his debut its actually a decent record
there I have said it!!
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I listened to a fair amount of his stuff a few months ago and while it's definitely mostly elevator music, he did have a few solid songs mixed in there.
Day 13: Fire and Rain
Coconut Records - Davy

In this scene from the movie 'Funny People,' there is a performance from James Taylor. In it, Adam Sandler tells Seth Rogan he has to perform his routine after James. Seth says, "I can't follow fire and rain!" Anyways, the song 'Wires' from this album is also on the soundtrack, and Jason Schwartzman is in the movie.

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