Vinyl Me Please Anthology

I’m just going off the standard $35 for single MoFi / APs, inflated to $40 at my local shop, which if I did my math right (likely did not lol) this is roughly in line with. That said, a box should always drive price down.

Yeah i Base it off Motown (wooooo got it right this time, fuck you iPhone) being one of the cheapest labels generally and them doing AAA QRP classics for $23 a shot.
Yeah i Base it off Motown (wooooo got it right this time, fuck you iPhone) being one of the cheapest labels generally and them doing AAA QRP classics for $23 a shot.

Fair points. I still think the price is decent but not for the stupid surprise element. Let me put it this way, if you want me to take a risk on it, you should knock some price off. And this whole thing is a $300 mystery crate lol.
And with 200% more Storf!

Honestly though I didn't think he did a bad job for his first podcast. I used to do a TV show recap podcast with my wife for fun and they're definitely not easy to do. I mean, the podcast was just one long interview with Don Was but I felt like he produced it pretty well. Definitely shouldn't have been their big selling point... but wasn't bad.
Great so he can tell me 2x as much that I am a pleb for listening to Broken Record podcast (technically this happened on FB live but whatever) instead of whatever fancy podcasts he listens to.
Sorry I just can't stop thinking about this. So everyone complained last time about not knowing the titles upfront (even though we kind of figured them out and then it sold out anyway). Instead of taking that feedback and deciding to announce them this time because, you know, that's what their customers want, they've stuck to their guns and are still not announcing them (and have seemingly made it harder to deduce this time). SO....someone at VMP (probably many people) got together and decided that the surprise element is so important to the Anthology experience that they're sticking with it in spite of the negative feedback from the BN rollout.

My question is...WHY? How is this experience enhanced by NOT knowing what the albums will be? Why is THAT (the surprise) more important than giving your customers what they want (knowing what they're purchasing)??
Who is actually gonna follow the "only open episodes every 2 weeks" thing
Sorry I just can't stop thinking about this. So everyone complained last time about not knowing the titles upfront (even though we kind of figured them out and then it sold out anyway). Instead of taking that feedback and deciding to announce them this time because, you know, that's what their customers want, they've stuck to their guns and are still not announcing them (and have seemingly made it harder to deduce this time). SO....someone at VMP (probably many people) got together and decided that the surprise element is so important to the Anthology experience that they're sticking with it in spite of the negative feedback from the BN rollout.

My question is...WHY? How is this experience enhanced by NOT knowing what the albums will be? Why is THAT (the surprise) more important than giving your customers what they want (knowing what they're purchasing)??

I think the why is that they want to say it's a "game changer" so bad. At this point if they told you what's on it, and shipped it to you all at once- then it's just a normal box set but with a forum and a podcast.
To get over not buying into this Anthology due to the blind buying aspect, I just bought Undercurrent by Bill Evans on Mofi and Let My Children Hear Music by Mingus. $60 after tax and shipping. For two albums I know I adore.

But seriously, I am super bummed they are making me pass on this with their dumb policy. I was ready to take the plunge.
Please tell me Ron, the Vinyl Junkies guy, will be moderating it. That would be a game changer.

It's being hosted on and discourse has some like... activity-based system where people that are more active and involved get more privileges and abilities? I don't know, it looks super confusing, but that guy would totally take over the forum through sheer brute force I bet. Can't wait to see how it shakes out!
Sorry I just can't stop thinking about this. So everyone complained last time about not knowing the titles upfront (even though we kind of figured them out and then it sold out anyway). Instead of taking that feedback and deciding to announce them this time because, you know, that's what their customers want, they've stuck to their guns and are still not announcing them (and have seemingly made it harder to deduce this time). SO....someone at VMP (probably many people) got together and decided that the surprise element is so important to the Anthology experience that they're sticking with it in spite of the negative feedback from the BN rollout.

My question is...WHY? How is this experience enhanced by NOT knowing what the albums will be? Why is THAT (the surprise) more important than giving your customers what they want (knowing what they're purchasing)??
Sorry I just can't stop thinking about this. So everyone complained last time about not knowing the titles upfront (even though we kind of figured them out and then it sold out anyway). Instead of taking that feedback and deciding to announce them this time because, you know, that's what their customers want, they've stuck to their guns and are still not announcing them (and have seemingly made it harder to deduce this time). SO....someone at VMP (probably many people) got together and decided that the surprise element is so important to the Anthology experience that they're sticking with it in spite of the negative feedback from the BN rollout.

My question is...WHY? How is this experience enhanced by NOT knowing what the albums will be? Why is THAT (the surprise) more important than giving your customers what they want (knowing what they're purchasing)??

Here's my theory:

Shipping costs money but withholding the titles costs nothing. They change the shipping thing because that gives the illusion of them listening to customer feedback and saves them a bunch of money and hassle.... but they keep the one thing that everyone agreed was super annoying and stupid to keep the illusion of them providing some sort of special product. Win-win for VMP, lose-lose for us, I guess.
Sorry I just can't stop thinking about this. So everyone complained last time about not knowing the titles upfront (even though we kind of figured them out and then it sold out anyway). Instead of taking that feedback and deciding to announce them this time because, you know, that's what their customers want, they've stuck to their guns and are still not announcing them (and have seemingly made it harder to deduce this time). SO....someone at VMP (probably many people) got together and decided that the surprise element is so important to the Anthology experience that they're sticking with it in spite of the negative feedback from the BN rollout.

My question is...WHY? How is this experience enhanced by NOT knowing what the albums will be? Why is THAT (the surprise) more important than giving your customers what they want (knowing what they're purchasing)??

I think that's what they think makes their boxes unique in the marketplace. That's how they changed the game, remember?