New Music Friday!

Even though we missed Midland and John Scofield, this week, you guys really showed up... I've always got one or two that get added to the queue after Pitchfork posts their albums to listen to this week. Hell Allmusic only had like three more besides the two I previously mentioned (not counting classical)... No Depression still managed to serve up about eight or nine additional albums.
Only been through once and really enjoyed it, but this also feels like it will be a real grower. And yeah, "icepick" is a real slow burn. I also really like "snake," which might be the first track that was released and got this whole thing started!
Listening to it as I wander around an airport waiting for a horribly delayed flight. Depressing as hell, or so it seems to me now, but I’m digging it haha!
Not bad. However, I didn't listen to much as I'm experiencing listener fatigue and considering taking a break.


None. Likely should be something here, but didn't feel it this week.​
  • Otoboke Beaver (おとぼけビ~バ~) - SUPER CHAMPON (スーパーチャンポン) [can't wait to see these ladies in concert!]
  • Soccer96 - Inner Worlds
  • Kehlani - blue water road [this is my favorite album of their discography thus far. I was so, so close to placing this in 👍, but I'm not brave enough to do it. Not quite there...still a number of mediocre inclusions in the tracklist. I'm on the precipice of fully connecting with Kehlani's music, and I'm hoping the next one they release will blow me away]
  • Sharon Van Etten - We've Been Going About This All Wrong [this was fine, but the bombastic orchestral arrangements worked better for music friend Angel Olsen on All Mirrors than for SVE here]
  • Warpaint - Radiate Like This [this didn't radiate]
  • Arcade Fire - WE [this is ghastly. In contention for worst album of '22]
New Rolling Blackouts isn't grabbing me like their previous output. The jangly guitars are still there but the vocals seem a little more subdued. I liked the album, just not an insta-buy like their last 2 were.

Hasn't grabbed me as much either but I haven't given it a very close listen-- mostly just driving around doing errands in the car. I expect it will grow on me though, I love the band a lot.