Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

I admit I’m not too familiar with a lot of recent music, but which 6 releases would you say makes my list pale in comparison? Taking out the ones that VMP had exclusives for obviously.

Yeah, I probably backed myself into a corner here based on my last comment. My original point was a list of all the other records you could have purchased in that same time period. I wasn't necessarily referring to new releases, although perusing that list of 229 albums for the first time, it wouldn't be difficult at all, but I don't know your taste in music and if you are as you say unfamiliar with recent music, I'd be flogging a dead horse.

Definitely no malice intended in any of this my friend :) I just think that we as record collectors can do better for ourselves than what VMP think they can do for us. :)
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Ok but what’s the comparison? I’m down for other options.

Honestly I don’t need a subscription service...

I read reviews (the U.K. paper the guardian and the Irish times are my two go tos).

Also the n & g aotm had had VMP on toast fhese last couple of months!

I’d also happily recommend you an anti-VMP album every month...
The FBI was called
That’s awful, but I don’t think anyone on Needles and Grooves is responsible for that. At least, I hope not!
lets fully admit right away that the needles & grooves community does not support SWATing in any form (whether its a company or a person)

thats a serious criminal offense and that should not be given a platform
Honestly I don’t need a subscription service...

I read records (the U.K. paper the guardian and the Irish times are my two go tos).

Also the n & g aotm had had VMP on toast fhese last couple of months!

I’d also happily recommend you an anti-VMP album every month...
Ok so...
I guess that’s the argument of self-curation vs. paying for curation then. I feel that. No right or wrong side there.
lets fully admit right away that the needles & grooves community does not support SWATting in any form (whether its a company or a person)

thats a serious criminal offense and that should not be given a platform

I took that as the company called the FBI due to a threat, not someone swatting then
hmm... still if they honestly feel like they are receiving threats worthy of the FBI thats not a good thing either
Yeah, staff members received death threats. They hope it was just trolls, but you never know. I had suggested in my points to talk about to have a "get to the staff" thing but I can fully see why they would not be excited to do such a thing after hearing that.
Hey guys, if you want to actually engage in what was shared, I am for it, if you are just going to give me a hard time I just won't interact with you and share anything that you may find relevant in the future

@Enoch with regard to VMP, for some of us, there is no future. I wont give you a hard time about your """reflections""" comment because I do like you, but to be honest, what was the point of it? Is the intention for you to try and fix Vinyl Me, Please via the N&G community?

Sorry if I've missed something mate.