Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

That was my thought too. If VMP doesn't make all their employees wait until the end and only get their albums after all members' albums have shipped, then they should at least have the decency not to post on social media that they got the album and eff their members.

That was a run on. You know what I mean.
My understanding has always been that staff dont get any special treatment on album purchases and are treated like any other customer. Im almost positive I've seen posts from storf and cam talking about them missing out on exclusives that sold out quick and stuff like that. So while I do believe that storf got his copy in the lottery same as I did, it's poor taste and poor pr for an employee to post it like that.
So... Comet is Coming is no longer in store. I never saw a low stock alert so... that's peculiar.

The Low Stock alert was on on the very first day, iirc, even though it managed to stay around a few more days.

VMP now does not allow more than 30 copies of an item in the cart, and the alert goes on before the stock count reaches 30.

The threshold was 40 a week ago, but who knows how many it is now? Secrecy is becoming part of the game over there now.
The Low Stock alert was on on the very first day, iirc, even though it managed to stay around a few more days.

VMP now does not allow more than 30 copies of an item in the cart, and the alert goes on before the stock count reaches 30.

The threshold was 40 a week ago, but who knows how many it is now? Secrecy is becoming part of the game over there now.
I checked this week and there was never a low stock alert at any point I looked. Odd.