Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

I got one of the “sincere apologies” emails for the delay because my shipment still has not gone out. I wrote to CS about what they are doing other than sincere apologies. I’m sure it will fall on deaf ears or not get bubbles up, but I couldn’t just accept their email with some sort of response:

“I just received notification that my Dec shipment is delayed and there’s no guarantee I will receive it before the holidays. Optically, this is the worst time of year to have this type of fulfillment issue and VMP compounded it by doing a system migration right before. Usually, major changes such as a system migration would not take place right before peak sales/fulfillment season and should wait until off-peak in early 2020 when there are less stakes and customers will probably be more forgiving of delays/mishaps. I like VMP’s product, so I have interest in your company staying around. However, VMP’s recent business decisions and subsequent PR and CS moves are making me doubt the company will last past 2020. Halt all exclusives until VMP can ensure they get customers’ monthly boxes shipped. Optically it looks terrible to keep getting emails and notifications about wanting customers to buy new product when the product they already have paid for cannot get to them. Ok, enough about global VMP, I just hope the company can fix these issues ongoing before you lose your loyal customer base and become just another retailer.

For the delay notification I received, other than sincere apologies, what else are you extended to the customers getting impacted? I would suggest offering a small credit (don’t want to do discount code because that will get shared on reddit) or maybe even a raffle scenario similar to what was offered to the customers returning the Mobb Deep album. It doesn’t have to be something that we would be significantly impactful financially, it’s more about the gesture than just an email that that is telling us about the delay that we already know because we haven’t received our shipment. A little goes a long way, so it’s a thought to regain some goodwill with your customers.

I sincerely hope VMP can fix these issues because the product can still be good enough, VMP just needs to get back to their core values of customer service, quality product and developing a community of sharing love for music. Good luck!”
Or, using it as a scare tactic to prevent people from cancelling.

"Don't cancel your membership! Otherwise you won't be able to get all the shit you previously ordered that we haven't sent!"

Like I said, the truth is probably a lot stupider than we can guess.

I'm imagining they're going to one off the December ROTMs and any exclusives will get bundled in the January box. But who the hell knows since they were sending out Still Woozy and Fionas as one offs recently.

Although my December ROTM has the same message as my exclusives ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm imagining they're going to one off the December ROTMs and any exclusives will get bundled in the January box. But who the hell knows since they were sending out Still Woozy and Fionas as one offs recently.

Which would suck because A) they're supposedly in stock and available to be shipped now and B) I paid for separate shipping
Yeah, mine too now. Aretha, BB, Idler Wheel, and Sonny Collins that I ordered back in November now all say ships with your next ROTM. So I guess they threw in the towel on getting things out this month. They better put some credits or some sort of compensation for this because that's bullshit.
Yeah, mine too now. Aretha, BB, Idler Wheel, and Sonny Collins that I ordered back in November now all say ships with your next ROTM. So I guess they threw in the towel on getting things out this month. They better put some credits or some sort of compensation for this because that's bullshit.
Agreed. Think I’m going to email them and see if they’ll swing some credits. I’m guessing their HQ team is headed into Xmas vacation once today is over so they’re calling it a day and getting back to it in January. What a mess this is.
Agreed. Think I’m going to email them and see if they’ll swing some credits. I’m guessing their HQ team is headed into Xmas vacation once today is over so they’re calling it a day and getting back to it in January. What a mess this is.
Monday is a work day for most; I was originally going to have classes on Monday until the union started throwing weight around.
I'm working monday and tuesday. But from what I understand, I'm going to be the boss of myself because everyone else is gone. So I'm taking the little one to work with me (school's out) and we'll make some father-daughter days out of it. Prep some folders (fun!), have extended lunch (more fun!) and just wing it (super fun!).
Monday is a work day for most; I was originally going to have classes on Monday until the union started throwing weight around.
Dude, where do you teach? You posted recently about having students in middle school through college, and you were going to have classes on the 23rd? But it’s also unionized? What sort of setting is this?
Yeah, I had $547! I feel like I would look dodgy though telling VMP that I previously had that much.....😅🥴

It should be all good, but I feel like it’s a bit awkward if you know what I mean, because it’s kinda a lot of money. Like what if they think I’m lying 🤥🤐

Who gives a fuck?!

What's dodgy is their bullshit. If you bought $500 worth of credit, please file a complaint now and get the chargeback. If you actually feel like spending it through them in the future, you can use the same cash, but there's absolutely no advantage to having it caught up in credits that they can erase at any moment.

Out of anything that's happened through this trainwreck of a company, this is seriously pissing me off the most. The fact that you feel like you deserve so little is also pretty fucking upsetting.
Yeah, I’ll ask them next week, just in case the credits somehow magically re-appear! But yeah, I’ll definitely make sure I get them back! ☺

Ask them now. In the meantime, what if you wanted to buy something? Don't spend more of your actual cash on it and, if you do, contact them immediately and have it refunded and pulled from your missing credit. Waiting won't help you. Move on this as quick as possible. You're going to be waiting either way.
Question, if you cancel in the middle of a subscription period, do you get a refund or store credit for the remaining months?

For example, I’m 2 months in to a 6 month subscription (renewed on Nov 1).

Feeling like I’m stuck and will be going down with the band.