Your Collection - By the numbers 2022

Picked up two in the local on Monday. One pre and one used from the racks.

Listed one more for sale and another sold too!

Joe Mac
Collection: 1002
Added: 7
For Sale: 12
Sold: 5
Net: -10
Updated 19/1/2022

Edit: Found a 5th cogs drop off today!

Another 2 listed for sale! Another one sold too!

Joe Mac

Collection 1000
Added: 7
For Sale: 13
Sold: 6
Net: -12
Updated 21/1/22
Collection size on 1/2/2022: 4,691
Collection size to date (2022): 4,702
Purchased (New): 10
Purchased (Used): 1
Free Additions: 0
Net Gain/Loss: +11
Last Updated: 01/15/2022
I've had to add a new category. As I've been working steadily on entering my collection into discogs, I've discovered there are some records I own that never were catalogued in my supposedly more expansive and complete Excel file. I'm adding these here along with new arrivals, referring to the former as "Discovered."

Collection size on 1/2/2022: 4,691
Collection size to date (2022): 4,721
Purchased (New): 17
Purchased (Used): 1
Discovered: 12
Free Additions: 0
Neg Gain/Loss: + 30
Last Updated: 01/21/2022
Collection size to date: on-hand 1,047
(2021 purchases in transit: 4) adjusted 1,051
Purchased: 0
Free Additions: 3
Purged: 4
Net Gain/Loss: -1
Last Updated: 01/19/2022

Collection size to date: on-hand 1,050
(2021 purchases in transit: 4) adjusted 1,054
Purchased: 2
Free Additions: 4
Purged: 4
Net Gain/Loss: +2
Last Updated: 01/21/2022
2021 Collection: 800

Purchased in 2022: +12
Preorders from 2021: +16
Free Additions: 2
Purged: 2
Net Gain/Loss: +28

2022 Total: 828

The benefit of those rough trade orders being lost in purgatory is that I gotta slow my roll. I had a pre-order show up, but it was the wrong album. So I've counted it in the hopes they fix it. I also had a small eBay order arrive and a couple from pifsgivings just arrived. Sold one more.
2021 Collection: 800

Purchased in 2022: +22
Preorders from 2021: +16
Free Additions: 2
Purged: 2
Net Gain/Loss: +38

2022 Total: 838
Week number 2 update:

Collection on 07/01/22: 2766
Purchased: 15 (those pesky sales!)
Free Additions:
Purged/Sold: 0
Net Gain/Loss: +15
Current Collection: 2781
Updated: 17/01/22

Week 3 update

Nothing gained or lost for the collection this week. Been trying to get through my overspilling to play piles!

Collection on 14/01/22: 2781
Purchased: 0
Free Additions:
Purged/Sold: 0
Net Gain/Loss: 0
Current Collection: 2781
Updated: 24/01/22
Found another discogs drop off! That’s 6 now! Another one that I had listed sold too!

Joe Mac

Collection: 1001
Added: 7
For Sale: 12
Sold: 7
Net: -12
Updated 23/1/2022

Two online purchases arrived in the post today!

Joe Mac
Collection: 1005
Added: 10
For Sale: 10
Sold: 9
Net: -9
Updated 25/1/22

Edit: A 7th cogs drop off found! I’m coming toward the end of my collection so hopefully not too many more of these!

Edit 2: Two more listed sold on cogs today!

Edit 3: And another new one came in through the post!
Last edited:
Two online purchases arrived in the post today!

Joe Mac
Collection: 1005
Added: 10
For Sale: 10
Sold: 9
Net: -9
Updated 25/1/22

Edit: A 7th cogs drop off found! I’m coming toward the end of my collection so hopefully not too many more of these!

Edit 2: Two more listed sold on cogs today!

Edit 3: And another new one came in through the post!

Finally finished cleaning my main collection!

Last find was 17 compilation EPs that weren’t on cogs…

Another sold too! I’ve raised €440 in vinyl sales so far in 2022! Maybe I will get those Beatles MoFis after all if I keep going like this!

Joe Mac

Collection: 1022
Added: 10
For Sale: 9
Sold: 10
Net: -9
Updated: 27/1/22
Finally finished cleaning my main collection!

Last find was 17 compilation EPs that weren’t on cogs…

Another sold too! I’ve raised €440 in vinyl sales so far in 2022! Maybe I will get those Beatles MoFis after all if I keep going like this!

Joe Mac

Collection: 1022
Added: 10
For Sale: 9
Sold: 10
Net: -9
Updated: 27/1/22
Keep at it, selling stuff has been the backbone of a lot of the more expensive purchases ;)
Keep at it, selling stuff has been the backbone of a lot of the more expensive purchases ;)

Yeah mine too, the first 6 I bought last year all came from the proceeds of record sales purchases! I think I should have the money for 6 of them in the next couple of months if the bigger ticket items keep shifting but with the Beatles might have to go on the backburner for a while!
Finally finished cleaning my main collection!

Last find was 17 compilation EPs that weren’t on cogs…

Another sold too! I’ve raised €440 in vinyl sales so far in 2022! Maybe I will get those Beatles MoFis after all if I keep going like this!

Joe Mac

Collection: 1022
Added: 10
For Sale: 9
Sold: 10
Net: -9
Updated: 27/1/22

The latest PJ Harvey reissues added today! Come March and it will be over!

Joe Mac
Collection: 1024
Added: 12
For Sale: 9
Sold: 10
Net: -7
Updated 28/1/22