Your Collection - By the numbers 2022

Listed 3 more and another sold!

Joe Mac

Collection: 1000
Added: 5
For Sale: 12
Sold: 4
Net: -11
Updated: 16/1/22

Picked up two in the local on Monday. One pre and one used from the racks.

Listed one more for sale and another sold too!

Joe Mac
Collection: 1002
Added: 7
For Sale: 12
Sold: 5
Net: -10
Updated 19/1/2022

Edit: Found a 5th cogs drop off today!
Last edited:
2021 Collection: 800

Purchased in 2022: +9
Preorders from 2021: +15
Free Additions: 0
Purged: 1
Net Gain/Loss: +23

2022 Total: 823

Last Updated: 01/14/2022

2021 Collection: 800

Purchased in 2022: +12
Preorders from 2021: +16
Free Additions: 2
Purged: 2
Net Gain/Loss: +28

2022 Total: 828

The benefit of those rough trade orders being lost in purgatory is that I gotta slow my roll. I had a pre-order show up, but it was the wrong album. So I've counted it in the hopes they fix it. I also had a small eBay order arrive and a couple from pifsgivings just arrived. Sold one more.