What's Spinning

Huh, I never noticed that the UK pressings were a lot more reasonable. I’ve always looked at the Matador pressing. Thanks, I’ll add Guernica pressing to my wantlist and see what comes up. Is the Guernica what you have?

Sadly, no. I have the US pressing, which is one track less than the US CD version, something I was unaware of when I bought this copy at a used LP store in Boston in '02. Sounds great, yes, but I love and miss "Brain Tag" from the tracklisting.
Sadly, no. I have the US pressing, which is one track less than the US CD version, something I was unaware of when I bought this copy at a used LP store in Boston in '02. Sounds great, yes, but I love and miss "Brain Tag" from the tracklisting.
This made me nuts when I started getting back into vinyl, so used to the "bonus" tracks from CDs it was like, "Wait, what, where did that song go?" lol
Sadly, no. I have the US pressing, which is one track less than the US CD version, something I was unaware of when I bought this copy at a used LP store in Boston in '02. Sounds great, yes, but I love and miss "Brain Tag" from the tracklisting.

Oh, yeah, that’s one of the best songs on the record. Thanks for the info, I’ll set my sights on a Guernica with the 7inch now!
To each his own. I enjoy his humorous sardonic lyrics and he has an ear for creating a fine Pop melody. While obviously not a perfect comparison he reminds me a bit of 1970s troubadours (Warren Zevon, Randy Newman, Louden Wainwright, etc..) might be your expectation were a bit too high. I was hugely skeptical at first especially since I really didn’t enjoy the overly sincere music he had released under the J. Tillman moniker previously, I didn’t give Fear Fun a go at all; but after catching “The Night Josh Tillman Came To Our Apt.” on the radio while sitting in traffic I was sold, the lyrics actually made me laugh out loud.
You might be onto something with the expectation being too high. Its a strange one because I feel like on paper I would like his music, and I really have tried to enjoy it but it just falls short. The live track with the audience laughter doesn't help either, they laugh at every line and I just don't seem to get the jokes, unfortunately. Ah well.
You might be onto something with the expectation being too high. Its a strange one because I feel like on paper I would like his music, and I really have tried to enjoy it but it just falls short. The live track with the audience laughter doesn't help either, they laugh at every line and I just don't seem to get the jokes, unfortunately. Ah well.
I think you are referring to “Bored In the USA” which is a very cynical take on American consumerist culture. It’s not a live cut but does feature an added laugh track towards the end of the song, I think it’s alluding to the phony homogenous nature of “entertainment” the comes out of America. IMO this track would actually sit better with the material on his follow up LP Pure Comedy, but I digress.

Hey at least ya gave it a shot, maybe revisit it in a few years and see if it clicks (that happens to me sometimes).
Fleet Foxes ‎– Crack-Up (Nonsuch, 2017 VMP Exclusive on Blue with Gold Vinyl, No. 1500/1500)

Been a while since I spun this one and its superb. Glad I stumbled across it, going to get a few plays over the next few days for sure!

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LOL, He he had already left by this point but Josh Tillman (AKA Father John Misty) was the original drummer for Fleet Foxes.
The agutierrezb 2019 record collection challenge

So I've decided to embark on my own personal challenge, which consists of listening every record in my collection before the end of the year. My record collection is not that big -only ~250-, but I still feel like there are a bunch of records I don't give enough attention to, while still adding more titles to my shelves.

For this reason I've set a couple of rules in order to play every record at least once before December 31st: I'll play at least one record a day, going from front to back in the way I have them sorted in my shelf. I can play a different record (i.e. Not the next one in alphabetical order) if I feel like listening to something else in any given moment, but at least one of the records I spin in the day has to be the LP in turn.

I didn't take pictures for the first two days, but I'll try to document the process from here on, so I'll be posting daily on this thread. Wish me luck!

#216: Queen - The Game

#217: Radiohead - The Bends


This is definitely not my favorite Radiohead record, but it holds a special significance for me. Me and my girlfriend listened to this album together back when we first started dating. After that, we were on a long distance relationship for 1 year, and she gifted me the record on vinyl during that time, as a sorts of reminder of how cool things were when we could be together. We have been living together for 5 years now, and reminisce of those early days every time we put this record on.