Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

What's the general consensus for which of the Townes albums is best?

I'm a completionist so i got both anyway, and would recommend both, but you said which so here goes.

Quality of content: Our Mother The Mountain - Self-titled has several songs that were re-recorded and rearranged from his first album. If you own For sake of the song you are getting updated versions of like half the album. Go with the new songs and fill in the catalog later.

Pressing Quality: Neither - both noisy maybe with a little edge given to Self-Titled. I recently got a new TT and cart so i need to revisit this however they may both get better but still not the highest quality recordings.

EDIT: OBV is you don't own For Sake of the Song, get the self-titled. I still think his early work was some of his best.
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This one...

Or go get this! Towne's personality really shines through on this and by the time this was recorded he had written some of his best work. There are a few pressings out there on discogs. I have the latest one, and while sonically its not the pride of my collection, it sounds good.
Just to add update to injury.....

I gave up on my copy of Fiona I ordered in late November. 3 months, 3 emails to CS, 6 back and forth convos with VMP’s social team (via IG) and I’m just done. I haven’t gotten the record and it’s now not even worth it to me anymore. What was it, like $27?

Not a good look. I had been a member since 2015 and was always one of their biggest champions in the early days. Oh well. Cest la vie.
Just to add update to injury.....

I gave up on my copy of Fiona I ordered in late November. 3 months, 3 emails to CS, 6 back and forth convos with VMP’s social team (via IG) and I’m just done. I haven’t gotten the record and it’s now not even worth it to me anymore. What was it, like $27?

Not a good look. I had been a member since 2015 and was always one of their biggest champions in the early days. Oh well. Cest la vie.
What the hell, are they claiming they're out of stock?