Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Probably not bankrupt but they certainly flew too close to the sun. It’s clear they took on the adage ‘if you’re not growing, you’re dying’ and it backfired. Plenty of labels do fine just existing, I think they need to scale back closer to that model.
If venture capitalists are involved just existing isn’t good enough. Shareholders are expecting high return on investment.
I know everyone is wondering what Slow Vape’s take on all this

I don’t understand his complaint, “they have silly names for their colors so the quality has gone down”? Prices going up is def an issue, especially for international subscribers but quality? If anything it’s gotten better (at least in my case, ymmv, I know some folks have major issues)
I don’t understand his complaint, “they have silly names for their colors so the quality has gone down”? Prices going up is def an issue, especially for international subscribers but quality? If anything it’s gotten better (at least in my case, ymmv, I know some folks have major issues)
Guess he’s gotta make videos about something…he doesn’t care where records are pressed but just cares about attention to detail that goes into the pressings…but the good plants are the ones that pay attention to detail lol. Guy’s a bozo.
Literally did a spit take when I read this
I mean I’m genuinely curious. Last I heard, he’d had one foot out the door for years. Unless they had him miked up to do some Q&A beat poetry, that’s a nostalgia play to placate people and nothing else.
Again, this is part of the suit haha. VMP saying Cam and co were overstating how involved the company was in the plant. I wouldn’t be shocked if VMP was pissed at how long it took to open (it’s been 3 years and they still haven’t pressed anything for market.) and there’s some line in the suit about the plant spending $20k on a sound system for the bar lol

Anyway, its pretty clear from this alone that the guys at VMP were under the same assumption we were, that this was a VMP owned facility.

I’d say it’s pretty clear that the person writing and approving this magazine article thought that VMP owned it.
How can it be any kind of debate whatsoever? Their logo is ON THE FUCKING BUILDING

We want to build an audiophile plant but we will only test on a Crosley.
It is kinda crazy the hedge fund/private equity folks tied to vmp didn't want to vertically integrate with the plant. All the mba buzzwords usually are easy sells

This would require Cam to use all the mba buzzwords, which if he knew probably would have prevented him from being fired.

I just think half their board didn’t want the plant to begin with.

Maybe the real means of production were the friends we met and fired along the way.
He was really really in love with VMP.
I could only make it to 3:15, but I knew right away that he was devastated.
I mean… he is at a place that a lot of us get to… you think you are a music fan and then you get all this new stuff thrown at you and you gobble it up and then you realize that maybe you don’t need someone to curate everything for you. They are great for new music fans or people new to vinyl.

I mean he buys ERC he was never really gonna be happy with any GZ records.
Guess he’s gotta make videos about something…he doesn’t care where records are pressed but just cares about attention to detail that goes into the pressings…but the good plants are the ones that pay attention to detail lol. Guy’s a bozo.
I guess, but I don’t see him arguing that they’ve somehow gotten worse; he says his leaving predates the news about the plant, but this is kind of weird logic
He was really really in love with VMP.
I could only make it to 3:15, but I knew right away that he was devastated.

What a turncoat- build up his channel with loads of audiophile I love VMP posts - then does a full Jul Caesar on them
He does have a nice dog though
Although cats are better