Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Mine also expires on 9/30 but I think I’m in for another 3 months at $89 (the “bridge” amount) since I have $21 of account credit to use. So I’ll get Spiritualized which I already paid for then 3 final months for $68.

The bridge price isn't bad but I would like them to announce three Rotm's like last time so I can decide if it's worth it. Add-ons will be few a far between at $33.
My 3 month sub still says it'll charge me $61 in september. If i actually get a sub with a super discounted price that they never bothered to change I'm gonna laugh so hard
FWIW, mine was at the discounted price last time from one of the buy 2 get 1 deals and then when the new ROTMs were announced, it jumped back up to the $81 price or whatever it was for 3 months.
TBH, outside of the grocery store, my local record store is the only place I frequent. I am happy they are back open. It offer me a bit of normalcy. I hope everyone else’s locals are able to safely open back up soon.
I celebrated the end of this club yesterday by going to a local record store and buying two fantastic records for $40 and my god it was refreshing.
Sadly, my local isn't opening anytime soon. I talked to them the other day and they have no date in mind to reopen. They just don't think it's worth it. In the meantime, I'm buying used stuff from other small shops on discogs or through their own sites + bandcamp.
TBH, outside of the grocery store, my local record store is the only place I frequent. I am happy they are back open. It offer me a bit of normalcy. I hope everyone else’s locals are able to safely open back up soon.
I sold my local a bunch of stuff the other week as he did a house call to my office where I had a lot of records. They still sell online, but he said he didn't feel safe about being able to disinfect all the records after people browse through them, and keeping the shop open for private appointments was also not worth it because most people will only really spend $20-$40 in a visit. They would just lose any profit from that by hiring staff to come in to babysit the shop. They still have employees packing up stuff that they sell on IG and discogs, but it's down to a skeleton crew for now. I appreciate them staying shut to keep everyone safe but I also selfishly miss going in on weekends to browse and pick up a thing or two.
I celebrated the end of this club yesterday by going to a local record store and buying two fantastic records for $40 and my god it was refreshing.
I had a private appointment at one of my locals two weeks ago (they were doing 30 and 60 minute timeslots) and I ended up walking out with 4 albums for $85, including the 3LP William Onyeabor World Psychedelic Classics comp. Felt absolutely incredible.
I had a private appointment at one of my locals two weeks ago (they were doing 30 and 60 minute timeslots) and I ended up walking out with 4 albums for $85, including the 3LP William Onyeabor World Psychedelic Classics comp. Felt absolutely incredible.
That comp and the Tim Maia comp are favorites of mine. Shoutout Luakabop.

bandcamp fridays y'all.
The tin foil hat person in me thinks that another reason for the price hikes is to condition customers into accepting the higher prices so the $600 Herbie Hancock Anthology isn't as shocking when it is announced.

Also, top 3 of 2010's...

Sandy Alex G - Rocket
The National - Trouble Will Find Me
RadioHead - A Moon Shaped Pool
The tin foil hat person in me thinks that another reason for the price hikes is to condition customers into accepting the higher prices so the $600 Herbie Hancock Anthology isn't as shocking when it is announced.

Also, top 3 of 2010's...

Sandy Alex G - Rocket
The National - Trouble Will Find Me
RadioHead - A Moon Shaped Pool
If they try to charge anywhere near $600 for the Herbie box they are even stupider than I think they are. I'm guessing $350-$400 plus member discount + early bird discount. Part of me wonders if it will even come out at this point or if they are really worried about pressing way too many copies of it.
FWIW, mine was at the discounted price last time from one of the buy 2 get 1 deals and then when the new ROTMs were announced, it jumped back up to the $81 price or whatever it was for 3 months.
I guess I’ll cross my fingers then, if it goes back up I’ll be sad, but then again $89 isn’t a horrible price for 3 months considering that’s around what I was paying for a monthly per record. Just would be a nice discount
The bridge price isn't bad but I would like them to announce three Rotm's like last time so I can decide if it's worth it. Add-ons will be few a far between at $33.
I predict at these prices the guessing games will be a thing of the past, people are going to want to know up front what they will be paying for.
The bridge price isn't bad but I would like them to announce three Rotm's like last time so I can decide if it's worth it. Add-ons will be few a far between at $33.
Agreed about add on’s - I’m just hoping that between the three tracks I can get one ROTM each month. Doubt anything will sell out within a month with all the people dropping out.
I guess I’ll cross my fingers then, if it goes back up I’ll be sad, but then again $89 isn’t a horrible price for 3 months considering that’s around what I was paying for a monthly per record. Just would be a nice discount
Oh that was before the price hikes...Mine now says renewal will be $119 by the way. Which is highway robbery. So you should be ready to have your price pretty much double.
If they try to charge anywhere near $600 for the Herbie box they are even stupider than I think they are. I'm guessing $350-$400 plus member discount + early bird discount. Part of me wonders if it will even come out at this point or if they are really worried about pressing way too many copies of it.
Yeah I was being a bit hyperbolic there. But I would not put it past them to try to go $55 a record or more. If their 'Essentials', which are often color variants of widely available pressings, are worth $40 to them, what are limited exlusive AAA Herbie pressings worth?
TBH, outside of the grocery store, my local record store is the only place I frequent. I am happy they are back open. It offer me a bit of normalcy. I hope everyone else’s locals are able to safely open back up soon.
Mine shut down but it was a disgusting place anyway, everything was 4 bucks and I found some great stuff but they were just stacked in piles on the floor,or in old milk crates, sometimes cockroaches would scurry out when you picked up a stack to go through. No kind of organization whatsoever, name genre nothing. My wife made me take a shower every time I came home from there
I predict at these prices the guessing games will be a thing of the past, people are going to want to know up front what they will be paying for.
You'd think that...but...they still insisted up until recently that people love the surprise element of the Anthologies and 99% of people who bought them think it's annoying.
Mine shut down but it was a disgusting place anyway, everything was 4 bucks and I found some great stuff but they were just stacked in piles on the floor,or in old milk crates, sometimes cockroaches would scurry out when you picked up a stack to go through. No kind of organization whatsoever, name genre nothing. My wife made me take a shower every time I came home from there
That place sounds like a dream to me when all of my local used (and new) prices are considerably higher than discogs median. Assuming I could find something I want I guess.
That place sounds like a dream to me when all of my local used (and new) prices are higher than discogs median. Assuming I could find something I want I guess.
It sounds like one of the places near me...THE THING. This is THE THING on a neat day. Every record is $2. Nothing is organized. This is maybe a quarter of the basement alone.

You'd think that...but...they still insisted up until recently that people love the surprise element of the Anthologies and 99% of people who bought them think it's annoying.
Paulie Alluded on Reddit to them being upfront about the releases and dumping the guess threads in the future but he's also dodging bullets from every angle so he may just be saying what he thinks people want to hear.
Paulie Alluded on Reddit to them being upfront about the releases and dumping the guess threads in the future but he's also dodging bullets from every angle so he may just be saying what he thinks people want to hear.
He also said it was impossible to email customers about the price change before they implemented it on their website so...haha