Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Holy shit did Skull Session sell out already?

Or did someone trying to do the inventory trick accidentally pay for like 300 copies of it?

Always makes me think whether VMP would wish they have pressed more when things like this sell out so quickly or if part of the draw was the limited scope. Chicken or the egg, I suppose.
Always makes me think whether VMP would wish they have pressed more when things like this sell out so quickly or if part of the draw was the limited scope. Chicken or the egg, I suppose.

The FANNY is at 500, but the Eugene McDaniels is also a run of 300.

I wondered the same thing, but Tidal Wave limited the other variants to 100. Even their black is only 500
There was quite a bit of chatter about the album on reddit so I'm not totally surprised, but still wow that was quick if it really sold out.

Yep. If we weren't detectives about this shit and it was a random drop like intended, the buildup wouldn't have been so insane. A lot of commenters on reddit had never heard of the album before, but with that cover and that variant, they checked it out. You only have to listen to about 10 seconds of the title track to know if it's your jam or not and it's pretty insane. Lots of "I've never heard of this before, but I'm grabbing this one" style comments.
Speculation, but I do wonder if a flipper or two did a big-ish order of Skull Session by ordering through the article page. While I definitely expected it to sell out fast, I was thinking like, in one to three days, not 15 minutes.
Speculation, but I do wonder if a flipper or two did a big-ish order of Skull Session by ordering through the article page. While I definitely expected it to sell out fast, I was thinking like, in one to three days, not 15 minutes.
It as SUPER hyped on reddit. But also wouldn't be shocked if one user bought a ton of copies...
The mockup definitely looks incredible, here's hoping the actual record bears some resemblance.

Anyone know anything about the pressing location (Precision Record Pressing) or the mastering info?

I know that Precision is in Burlington, between Toronto and Hamilton.

Quick check of my Discogs to see what I have from them.......Tragically Hip's "Phantom Power" (which does sound great), a few records from the Arts + Crafts label (most of which are good to decent), Robyn's "Honey" and the Grim Fandango Remastered soundtrack (both of which are loud and punchy), and Thrush Hermit's new reissue of "Clayton Park" (very nice sounding).
Speculation, but I do wonder if a flipper or two did a big-ish order of Skull Session by ordering through the article page. While I definitely expected it to sell out fast, I was thinking like, in one to three days, not 15 minutes.

They need to close that gateway, if it's still allowing multiple copies beyond 2. 300 is a small number though and I was 100% convinced that it was going to sell out today and probably fast. We build FOMO quick around these parts. The reddit post had 124 upvotes and 85 comments. That's quite a bit for that sub
I enjoyed the music I listened to, but the record colorway was the best VMP has ever done IMHO!

Me too. Missed the Fat Beats so I was watching for it. I was afraid it would sell out b4 I got logged in.
Forgot my VMP password although they have slowly been sucking me back in.

Been an expensive morning of online vinyl buying. Time to go to work to pay off the mornings orders/preorders.
Man, I'm just now reflecting how close I was to missing Skull Session, haha. I made a point to set my alarm to wake me at 11:45 as I've been sleeping to about 12:30-1 p.m. these days (I work nights alright?)

I then saw the link was live through a post on here around 11:58, spent a few minutes reading the magazine article and glancing over at the other VMP new releases, went and found a link to give to @MikeH, went back and re-read the details page before finally clicking that "Buy" button, and since I don't have a speedy checkout option selected spent another minute or three logging in, selecting my Paypal payment method and shipping, before finally officially getting Tina'd at 12:09 p.m.

Judging by the comments on reddit, it sold out by 12:11.