Vinyl Me Please Rap & Hip Hop

In my top 5 of all time. The Marvel cover showed up for less than 20 a year ago. Was surprised they were going for so much. I would buy again to have a nicer version. Maybe 2lp 45rpm with BIBLE. Already have the instrumentals disc.
Yeah, even the Marvel cover version seems to be gone and the discog prices are insane right now. I'm not even sure the one I ordered will ship, but it's through an Amazon seller so there's that protection in place.

I can't even fathom that there's a debate on twitter over the past few days over its greatness as a Wu album. Personally I put it right below OB4CL (and above Supreme Clientele).

Actually, my ranking is wrong.
36 Chambers
Return to 36 Chambers
Liquid Swords
Supreme Clientele.

That's it, that's the top 5.
I bought the Deluxe Marvel Cover a few years back for a truly stupid price of like $75 new in store. It does sound really good but there was absolutely zero value for money on that price. Of course it's worth more now because everything is stupid but still...

Aw man you got ripped off. Mine was like $50 and came with a chess set. No spidermans though.
Aw man you got ripped off. Mine was like $50 and came with a chess set. No spidermans though.
Funny thing, I had that Liquid Swords 7“ box set from VMP for like $13 because they messed up the price. And I traded it sealed to one of the members here (and I constantly cannot remember who it was) for a sealed Wu 36 Chambers 7" box set because he had an extra. So I have no problem with buying the Marvel knowing that the LS box netted me that 36 Chambers box.

And yes, Canadian money so about $60 USD.
Wow that's crazy about Liquid Swords. I have the 20th anniversary edition and I got it for $16 on ebay in 2019.
Insane the cheapest one is $125 now
Yeah, there's some generally laughable discog prices on there. IIRC some standard pressings were going for upwards of $500+.

I was comfortable paying $70 for a sealed copy off an Amazon vendor, knowing at some point in time in the next couple of years there's likely to be another run.
Yeah, there's some generally laughable discog prices on there. IIRC some standard pressings were going for upwards of $500+.

I was comfortable paying $70 for a sealed copy off an Amazon vendor, knowing at some point in time in the next couple of years there's likely to be another run.
Yeah those prices are insane for something that almost certainly will get a repress/reissue.
I love rankings! I can't believe you both have Return to 36 Chambers so high, I may need to revisit it!

1. 36 Chambers
2. Liquid Swords
3. OB4CL
4. Supreme Clientele
5. Forever
Classic rza with the absolute insanity that was odb. Can see why people would have a hard time with ranking it higher but man, it's such an amazingly fun album. It's wacky, it's's "what the fuck did i just listen to, rewind that shit". Like right now I have Raw Hide on repeat.