Vinyl Me Please Classics

It makes me feel anxious and they are not even my records (and books)
A good chunk this time of year comes from carboot sales. I only ever pay 1-2 quid each so I tend to just buy anything that catches my eye, even if I’m not familiar with it. Then in the winter I have a big cull where I get rid of the ones that I don’t see myself playing that much.

in terms of books I tend to rinse though them so I just wait for cheap deals on second hand copies usually.

Having said that, space is always an issue 😂
Or hold up, do we just all have FUkT up copies and Duke here has a pristine copy that sounds like heaven through and through?
Do you see, do you see what the shibata has done to you?


It's just the inconsistent master... let go of the tinfoil... DROPIT! DROP THE TINFOIL HAT DROPIT
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Shocker, I got a shipping notice this morning for Ashby (swap for Lincoln). But also not a shocker, it did not include Freddie Hubbard which is supposed to be in stock.
Shocker, I got a shipping notice this morning for Ashby (swap for Lincoln). But also not a shocker, it did not include Freddie Hubbard which is supposed to be in stock.
I think they’re still doing the process that they started last month (?) where they ship all the membership ROTMs/Add-Ons first, then ship your exclusive purchases later in the month.

I got my Ashby last month first. Then a bunch of pre-orders that were in stock shipped a couple weeks into the month.