Vinyl Me Please Classics

Proper snow in t’Midlands today
I saw. Lucky bastards. Poocho is dying to go and do commando rolls in a bit of snow. Especially if there is a bit that's lying on a lump of fox shit.

And its the on topic conversations that have gone on in here today that just show that it actually was the right decision to have all separate VMP threads.
I saw. Lucky bastards. Poocho is dying to go and do commando rolls in a bit of snow. Especially if there is a bit that's lying on a lump of fox shit.
I’m hoping for more in the morning to get me out of going back to work ..roads by me are all country lanes and pretty treacherous in the snow ..between the inevitable Covid absentees awaiting test results and now snow it’s gonna be a shite day back!
Yeah completely. It’s why it’s both temperate and never stops pissing it down!
It's that total conundrum as to whether you bother to wear your waterproofs when you go out because you know that whatever you repell on the outside is going to be counteracted by the amount you sweat with the ridiculous heat on the inside. The northern hemisphere has really turned in to a massive pain in the arse of late
It's that total conundrum as to whether you bother to wear your waterproofs when you go out because you know that whatever you repell on the outside is going to be counteracted by the amount you sweat with the ridiculous heat on the inside. The northern hemisphere has really turned in to a massive pain in the arse of late

That said I spent Christmas in the west of Galway this year, just got back. It was gale force, freezing and torrential. The rain actually goes sideways there at this time of year!
Catching up on the last few pages. Contacting CS to see if it's possible to swap this one for a map.

When Nunavut became an official province i didnt learn about it. 8 years later i was working in a call center and I look up at the wall and there's a big map of the States and Provinces. And I see "NUNAVUT" and as a child who did very well in geography in school and was a big hockey fan i thought, "What is that?? I've never seen that before!" So off to Wikipedia I went!
When Nunavut became an official province i didnt learn about it. 8 years later i was working in a call center and I look up at the wall and there's a big map of the States and Provinces. And I see "NUNAVUT" and as a child who did very well in geography in school and was a big hockey fan i thought, "What is that?? I've never seen that before!" So off to Wikipedia I went!
So I should amend my request to ask for a current map
Nice, so we are looking at a solid few months of soul then. Im not familiar with any of these guys but looking forward to digging in!
Wait. They're really doing 4 straight months of male 70s soul singers? Oof. This definitely makes my subscription lapsing easier to take.

Also, of the 9 titles they just announced, I only really feel like one or them (John Prine) is truly needed in my, or any, record collection and I already own it. (I already own Room on Fire and Lord Quas on CD, but those feel like albums that belong on CD.) Again, this definitely makes my subscription lapsing easier to take.