Vinyl Me Please Anthology

This is next level stupid. I get people make spelling mistakes, but for something like this surely they should double, triple, quadruple check??

Hell, even a simple spell check would have picked this up.
Probably whatever graphic design software they use doesn't have a spellcheck feature. I work for a news website and our CMS doesn't have a freaking spellcheck (thank God for Grammarly), you'd be amazed at how common it is that such a feature is missing.

Which isn't to excuse this latest bit of hilarity. It just means VMP needs to pay that much more attention to their products' spelling. Reprinting and sending out replacements for such simple mistakes over and over again has to be costing them a decent chunk of change, I would have expected someone would be forced to step up the quality control by now, just from a cost-saving perspective.
Looking at the spine of this box is hurting my brain. I think Clay Conder's VMP work is generally very good but honestly the first few times I looked at this box I didn't even see the typo because I was distracted by the arrangement of the words.
Reminds me of one of these:
UGH. God. My Philly box is showing up tomorrow and now I'm a little bit bummed. Still psyched for the records of course but that typo is gonna bug the s*** out of me. Wonder if they'll reprint the boxes??

In my earlier career I was a book editor, and I can tell you that THE most common error that would find its way into the final books would be on the title page. Sometimes we'd have the wrong name of the book entirely, or the author's name misspelled. It's because everyone in the process just assumed something so basic would be correct, and their eyes would gloss over it. This would happen despite there being 10 or so trained professionals all signing off on it. So, I get it. But also, these were $20 books versus what we paid for this box. GRRRRR.
UGH. God. My Philly box is showing up tomorrow and now I'm a little bit bummed. Still psyched for the records of course but that typo is gonna bug the s*** out of me. Wonder if they'll reprint the boxes??
They most definitely will. As much as they deserve the ridicule, they're also good about correcting these fuck ups.
Yup, the Anthologies are a big money maker. They will make it right. But still, "you had one job..."
Yeah, it's a little insane that they keep having to ship out stuff at a cost to them when really anywhere between 10 seconds and 1 minute of just proofreading their concepts before printing would go a long way. Shit happens, but shit seems to happen a LOT for a company selling a product at an already high price.

I'm super curious as to how much say, it'd cost just to ship out a replacement cover to Europe.
At least the booklet/sticker seem to be right based on the Reddit post, so the graphic design theory holds weight, but that's...kinda hilarious tbh.

I'm sure they'll make it right. Right now, they're probably scrambling to find a vendor that can make some stickers that go over the existing text on the cover.