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Spellling was phenomenal. Seriously. They took the art pop style from The Turning Wheel (and a few other songs) and transformed it into a cinematic art rock epic. What an engrossing, whimsical, and wholly satisfying performance.

Sun Atoms

Portland band with a psychedelic trance/slacker rock vibe. Fairly enjoyable, but couldn't make out any of the lead vocalist's lyrics. The last song they performed had a neat five-minute jam out session, with each member leaving the stage one by one. They'll be opening for Modest Mouse here in November.



Neo-psychedelia/indietronica/synthpop group that draws obvious inspiration from Broadcast. On that topic, I'm pretty sure they performed a cover of one of their songs in this set. Very solid performance overall. Lead frontwoman Maryam Qudus was also responsible for mixing a few songs on Spellling's The Turning Wheel including the whimsically brilliant "Always." Their debut album No Past No Future dropped this year.



Oh so good. This show was everything I hoped for. Boundless energy from lead lady Chrystia Cabral and excellent individual musician performances, especially from the lead guitarist on a handful of the selections. The backup singers were also wonderful in providing stage theatrics depth and vocal layering.

They kicked off with the dark, moody, yet groovy "Under the Sun" from the unjustly under the radar Mazy Fly. From there on, most of the set was taken from last year's extravagant The Turning Wheel. They played all of my favorites, to my delight. "Boys at School" was wholly stellar, with everyone in the audience belting the chorus.

The encore was just as extravagant, with everyone singing along to the luxurious "Little Deer" and "Emperor With an Egg." Set went for a healthy ~75min altogether, ending ~10min past midnight.


The excellent "Turning Wheel" here, one of the standout performances from Friday's set:

Why not some more? Video of "Always," my favorite song from The Turning Wheel:

I must add that the videos taken above don't even showcase the epic levels the later songs in the set achieved instrumentally. Might have to consider this for a top10 show this year. Phenomenal.

EDIT: grammar and some description changes
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This past Wednesday night, I went to see Squirrel Nut Zippers. They are a lot of fun.


They played probably their most well known song "Hell" with red lighting for effect. Red lighting is always pretty hard for me to get a good clear pic. Here is the same pic with the natural stage lighting and another with my saturation editing.... Live the red was appropriate, picture-wise I like the black & white better.


The opener Billy Goat Strut Review was awesome, too.

I was fortunate enough to be approved to photograph Tegan and Sara from the photo pit last Saturday:


Spent my Halloween at the Beetlejuice musical on Broadway, where the leads came out dressed as each other during the curtain call:

Glen Phillips at HopMonk Tavern, Novato CA.

Glen kicked off a short solo tour to celebrate the release of his new solo album at the HopMonk in Novato last night. He was in fine voice and I was fortunate enough to have him sign a copy of his new album as well as an old Toad the Wet Sprocket poster that I brought with me.

His new album is great, I highly recommend checking him out if he comes to your town!


Travis at the Fillmore, San Francisco. The Invisible Band anniversary tour.

Twice delayed by the pandemic, Travis was finally able to take the stage to perform The Invisible Band front to back, followed by a bunch of their best hits. They put on a fantastic show - Fran's voice was in fine form and the crowd ate it up.

Tegan & Sara last night. Radio station got me in for the VIP Q&A soundcheck before the show. I swear I'd go to a show of them just talking and bantering with each other. It was hilarious. Tegan was just getting over being sick so it was good seeing her out


Opener for the night was Tomberlin, who I liken to a Phoebe Bridgers type singer songwriter. Crowd was very chatty, something even she commented on. At this point, 2 hours of sleep (thanks 6 month old) was starting to drag on me.


By the time Tegan and Sara came on, I was exhausted. Stayed for 6-7 songs before calling it a night.

Plains - Brooklyn Bowl Nash 11/5

One of my favorite shows of the year. Mid-sized, behaved crowd. They sounded lovely. Played the whole record, plus some of their solo material and a few covers. Special appearance by Natalie Prass! Really hope they do more together after this tour is up. Also, I have a huge crush on Jess now, had to refrain from hitting myself with a giant cartoon mallet.

Opener MJ Lenderman was great as well.





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Men I Trust was a dream.

Dragged my brother-in-law along since my wife bailed on me to doom scroll the election results. Managed to get in the doors in time to be just a few rows from the stage. Opener was a funky bunch of Dutch crooners called Feng Suave who had a mix of sounds between Whitney and a throwback funk group.

Emma's voice was a bit shaky and you could tell she was fighting to keep her voice. The bass was thumping and the crowd energy was great. Was definitely standing behind the prototypically Gen Z crowd, so I felt my age when my back starting getting stiff near the end of the show.

One thing that stood out was how I've never heard their music LOUD, and the guitar solos RIPPED. Lighting was great and if anyone has doubts about seeing them because they seem down-tempo, they are mistaken.
