The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project

Don't know any of this. The allmusic review calls it proto-punk. Seems more like Velvet Underground jangly pop to me. I like it.
Jonathan Richman was one of those people that bought a copy of Velvet Underground & Nico and formed a band. He was lucky enough to get to work with John Cale and recorded a bunch of demos which didn’t get released officially for another 3 years and by then Jonathan Richman had went a completely different way stylistically with his sound. His follow up album was released a month before Modern Lovers dropped.
Jonathan Richman was one of those people that bought a copy of Velvet Underground & Nico and formed a band. He was lucky enough to get to work with John Cale and recorded a bunch of demos which didn’t get released officially for another 3 years and by then Jonathan Richman had went a completely different way stylistically with his sound. His follow up album was released a month before Modern Lovers dropped.
Since I have a vague feeling that there is something to this dude that I should be seeking and I’m fairly certain this record ain’t it, where would you suggest I go next?

I’ve heard his name a bunch and I know he’s an influence on a lot of different people, but this sounded like Velvet Underground lite and well why drink lite beer when full strength tastes better?
Since I have a vague feeling that there is something to this dude that I should be seeking and I’m fairly certain this record ain’t it, where would you suggest I go next?

I’ve heard his name a bunch and I know he’s an influence on a lot of different people, but this sounded like Velvet Underground lite and well why drink lite beer when full strength tastes better?
Just watch There's Something About Mary.
The Modern Lovers: Great debut (kinda) from a favourite songwriter. I prefer later era Jonathan Richman (@Lee Newman: "I, Jonathan"!!!), but songs like Roadrunner, Pablo Picasso and Dignified and Old are essential listening. Kinda samey musically, but Richmans biggest strength has always been his lyrics and deadpan delivery of them. Score: 4/5
Since I have a vague feeling that there is something to this dude that I should be seeking and I’m fairly certain this record ain’t it, where would you suggest I go next?

I’ve heard his name a bunch and I know he’s an influence on a lot of different people, but this sounded like Velvet Underground lite and well why drink lite beer when full strength tastes better?
As @Whiteout75 stated I, Jonathan isn’t a bad place to start. Pretty much any of his late 70s to early 90s albums are pretty fun. His music is very indebted to early rock and his lyrics are quite funny. He basically just wants to have a good time and hopes listeners do to.
I've always kind of assumed The Modern Lovers was more of a new wave act. I'm actually kind of surprised how modern (no pun intended) they sound. I hear more in common with 90s indie and the early 2000's NY scene than I do 70's.
I'm losing my edge

I heard you have a compilation of every good song ever done by anybody. Every great song by the Beach Boys. All the underground hits. All the Modern Lovers tracks. I heard you have a vinyl of every Niagara record on German import. I heard that you have a white label of every seminal Detroit techno hit - 1985, '86, '87. I heard that you have a CD compilation of every good '60s cut and another box set from the '70s
I'm losing my edge

I heard you have a compilation of every good song ever done by anybody. Every great song by the Beach Boys. All the underground hits. All the Modern Lovers tracks. I heard you have a vinyl of every Niagara record on German import. I heard that you have a white label of every seminal Detroit techno hit - 1985, '86, '87. I heard that you have a CD compilation of every good '60s cut and another box set from the '70s
Oddly enough, as I was typing out my post I was thinking how "Someone I Care About" would be right at home on any LCD Soundystem album.
It’s basically demos? It kind of seems like they never really finished it.
Yeah, they're basically demos, at least at the core. I think they recorded some of them with John Cale, and later rerecorded some songs, refurbushed some of the other demos while trying to put it out as a record. But when it finally came out, the band had split up, and Richman had put together a new band with the same name and recorded another album that came out before this. It's all a bit complicated....