
they were way too risk-averse to do anything interesting (or coherent) with the last installment.
Yeeeepppp. This is the real problem I have with most of the new Star Wars movies and a lot of new movies in general. They want to keep with a formula because they need it to sell, so they stick to obvious storylines and tropes.
Yeeeepppp. This is the real problem I have with most of the new Star Wars movies and a lot of new movies in general. They want to keep with a formula because they need it to sell, so they stick to obvious storylines and tropes.
Have you watched Andor yet?
@Mather Andor is really good! I like it much more than the Mandalorian. I feel like it’s an adult show.

Also, after watching the first She Hulk, it’s by far my favorite MU offering. I am working my way through Phase 3 and everything I have seen pales in comparison.
I think She Hulk is tonnes of fun. Wait till you get to Maddissyn. She is the best.
My favorite video games of all-time are Conker's Bad Fur Day and The Last of Us. The former is a pop-culture drenched platformer about an alcoholic squirrel; the later a is thematically rich story about the relationship that develops between a jaded 40 year old man and a snarky, naive teenage girl (who may or may not be the key to curing a pandemic).

The Last of Us proved that video games could do a character study as well as any other medium when it dropped in 2013. And it's 2020 sequel was nearly as incredible.

Needless to say, I am very excited for the HBO adaptation which is being run by the guy behind Chernobyl... even if I'm also skeptical of the casting.
