Remember that first time?


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2019

Do you? Do you remember what the very first vinyl album you bought was? I inherited a lot of music from my mom, but the very first vinyl album I bought was a 45 from my local Ben Franklin, Queen, We are the Champions with We will Rock You on the B-Side in 1977. $.99 plus tax :)

What vinyl started it all for you? Where and when did you buy it?
We had a non working record player when I was a young kid in one of those console pieces. My older sister got a small stereo for her bedroom which had a record player. I remember buying both Art is Noise “In Visible Silence” and Pet Shop Boys “Please” for it from the cut-out bin. I loved the cut-out bin in G.C. Murphy’s.
Trying to remember what my first vinyl purchase was. The first records I really listened to were my parents albums, and some of my sister's. I think the first one I got that was mine, but that was given to me as a gift as a kid, was the original Star Wars soundtrack. I wish I still had that one. I got into cassettes and even CDs before I started listening to vinyl again in the 90s. Pavement's "Wowee Zowee" might have been the first one I bought during that period. Don't have that one anymore either. God, I unloaded a lot of first pressings from the 90s when vinyl was at a low point that I really wish I still had.
My first vinyl purchase was Arcade Fire's Funeral in the summer of 2005, from Rotate This in Toronto. I spent the day downtown with a friend, and then later in the afternoon went to what became the longest game in Blue Jays history. My dad hooked up his old turntable to his computer and we ripped it to Audacity so I could listen to it. I didn't get my first turntable till about three years later.

(After a quick Googling I found out the exact date was July 28, 2005. That's pretty cool.)
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I don’t remember which record was exactly my first, but I do remember it was at some point within 2009. It was most likely a couple Jefferson Airplane albums, After Bathing At Baxter’s or Surrealistic Pillow I’m gonna guess, as I was pretty big on them around that time (they were my band at the time until I discovered the Grateful Dead a few months after).
Man this thread is going waaaaaayyyyy back......I’m 44 now so my memory is getting sketchy but I didn’t buy vinyl until high school so I’m 100% the first Vinyl Record I Bought was Rap and a 12” single, so I’m going with DEL Tha Funkee Homosaipien- Mistadobina B/W Burnt. Now I had my parents collection to mess with before that but as a kid I wasn’t into Jazz or R&B, but mostly AM Radio
My first CD buy: Digimon the Movie Soundtrack

My first Vinyl buy: The Shins - Wincing the Night Away. This was my favorite album for the longest time. I think I got it in a record store back in 2008(?) even though I didn't have a record player, and wouldn't have one for another 6 years.
I bought my first record in 9th grade on a field trip to NYC. It was an Outakst 12" single for "She Lives In My Lap" from Tower Records. I didn't get a turntable until 7 years later, but I think I did actually play that record once.
First CD I bought was the Marshall Mathers LP. My parents didnt know who Eminem was at the time and didn't really understand what he was saying, so I got away with blasting this in my room while playing my gamecube. My sister knew but never ratted me out.

First record I bought was Creams "Wheels of Fire" from a garage sale. I had heard the song "White Room" before on the radio and thought it would be cool to have. My dad got one of those turntables that is hidden in a desk type thing and I played it and fell in love with Cream. Politician still is one of my favorite songs of all time. I need a better copy of this one cause it is scratched up.