Pre-Order Thread


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I found video of the show in question

Santa part is around 6:30

Point stands. Why would an adult fathom bringing that up in early August, acknowledging the kids present, and then go into a diatribe about the farcity of Santa Claus. It was unprovoked, unnecessary, and out of place.

And yes, I've seen Dan Deacon live. Thanks for asking.

Point stands. Why would an adult fathom bringing that up in early August, acknowledging the kids present, and then go into a diatribe about the farcity of Santa Claus. It was unprovoked, unnecessary, and out of place.

And yes, I've seen Dan Deacon live. Thanks for asking.
Why does he have to have a reason to ramble on stage about anything? What does early August have to do with anything? Are certain fictional characters only allowed mentioned on specific months? If you've seen him live like you said you would understand that it's not out of place for him to ramble about weird shit. It's clearly not malicious and he apologizes that he said it not realizing there were kids there. We are all adults and are talking about how santa isnt real in a non december month in a place children can see, HOW DARE US ALL!

The pearl clutching over this non issue is truly mind numbing to me.
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Lol @ that Dan Deacon video. What does "the capitalist paradigm" have to do with santa claus and what does santa claus have to do with tricking you into wanting to have a job? And it has to be specifically a job that's all about you rather than serving the greater good? and tricking you into hating yourself? Does he realize that "the capitalist paradigm" is what allows him to commodify musical performance and make $$ touring and selling merch?

In all seriousness, he sounds, um, really liberated and, uh, free from the chains of everything he's railing against lol. Thank god he figured it all out.
My eldest is starting to doubt santa is real. We pulled shocked faces and asked where do the presents come from then? lol

Think this will be the last year she believes in the magic though :(
Oh this is still going on? I mean, can't we all agree that the amplified broadcasting that Santa is fake to a large crowd of people likely to contain children is kind of a dick move? That shouldn't be something that warrants arguing over. The point being made that the dude is a bit odd and goes off on tangents at live shows where, yes, people in attendance have to accept the fact that they have no control over what comes out of his mouth is also valid. Had I been in attendance with my child I would have been annoyed but not I'M GONNA SAY SOMETHING TO HIM IF I GET A CHANCE mad. My daughter is two presently and my wife and I are torn on how far to go with the whole Santa farce. On the one hand, it is kind of a magical thing as a child. I have wonderful Santa memories. On the other hand, it was kind of a blow when the truth came out.
Oh this is still going on? I mean, can't we all agree that the amplified broadcasting that Santa is fake to a large crowd of people likely to contain children is kind of a dick move? That shouldn't be something that warrants arguing over. The point being made that the dude is a bit odd and goes off on tangents at live shows where, yes, people in attendance have to accept the fact that they have no control over what comes out of his mouth is also valid. Had I been in attendance with my child I would have been annoyed but not I'M GONNA SAY SOMETHING TO HIM IF I GET A CHANCE mad. My daughter is two presently and my wife and I are torn on how far to go with the whole Santa farce. On the one hand, it is kind of a magical thing as a child. I have wonderful Santa memories. On the other hand, it was kind of a blow when the truth came out.
I think it's a pretty low bar to call it a dick move, but I get if it would rub parents the wrong way. However for the OP to say he wanted to bash his skull in because of it is just ridiculous.