Pre-Order Thread

Merzbow - Pulse Demon

Merzbow "Pulse Demon Reissue" 2x12" - Relapse Records

There was a reissue of this last year by another label but sold out in a flash and was over priced. The other Merzbow reissue Relapse has done was great. Part of the Holy Grail of Merzbow works.
Glad to see a label other than Bludhoney is reissuing it, since they've gone off the grid after that Viper fiasco.
Also looks like this will be a new master, judging by the description, along with an unreleased track being added to the wax.

btw, for anyone interested, these are the variants.

1500 copies on Standard Black
View attachment 18633
250 copies on this
View attachment 18634
100 copies on this (sold out now. I just bought my copy of it like 3 minutes ago holy shit)
View attachment 18635

and 100 more copies on band-exclusive clear.

In case you've never listened to Merz, he makes very nice easy-listening music:

I can't believe I almost missed out on this *twice*. I need to check this thread more often.

Also am I an idiot or does the difference between the variant limited to 100 and the variant limited to 250 seem very minimal?
It might be more distinguishable irl
Maybe. Either way I'm glad I got the variant I did, that mockup is really neat. If the reissue of Venereology Relapse did is anything to go off, this should be a quality release. I do kinda wish they did a bundle with a t-shirt like they did with that one tho, especially considering how iconic Pulse Demon's album cover is. But like I said, I'm happy either way

As if the people on this forum needed anymore reason to question my taste in music.
It's not my cup of tea personally but basically Merzbow is Noise/Electronic/Metal. I think of it as similar to Ambient Music but in the extreme. It's loud and abrasive but as you listen you find faint moment of melody and repetition.
Pulse Demon is pretty overrated, but as far as noise goes it's still good. Main draw for noise is just listening to it to relax. If you're really fucking pissed, noise music will likely calm you down. Also you can sort of placebo patterns into your head if its super abrasive like you would when watching seizure lights

@TenderLovingKiller® and @sorcerer I really appreciate this feedback. While this music only induces incredible stress and anxiety for me, I'm very happy to learn that it induces relaxation for others. It's all about sonder after all.
Is there a Chromatics record that hasn't been cut by Bernie?
But yes, loving all of my (and yes, sometimes multiple) copies of them! :love:
I'll see them in two weeks. YAY.
Hoping for some surprises at the merch stand - though I highly doubt that...
Maybe. Italians do it better really have their pressing game down. Btw my point was if they’re advertising the pressing then the physical release is imminent, not that it’s BG.
Is there a Chromatics record that hasn't been cut by Bernie?
But yes, loving all of my (and yes, sometimes multiple) copies of them! :love:
I'll see them in two weeks. YAY.
Hoping for some surprises at the merch stand - though I highly doubt that...

I could be mistaken but I don't think Grundman started cutting them until a few years ago. I say this because i sold some of my earlier presses of Night Drive and Kill For Love and got the Grundman ones at the time
DJ-Kicks - Kamaal Williams
I have the same question. In no way is this enjoyable to me. Not to poo-poo other people's interests but I want to know what part of the brain this "music" tickles in the people who "enjoy" it.
A legit question. Everyone's brain is different. I'd take it over John Mayer or Dave Matthews, but that's me.
A legit question. Everyone's brain is different. I'd take it over John Mayer or Dave Matthews, but that's me.
This post will come off as pretentious, I'm not meaning to be, and I apologize in advance

Noise/experimental whatever you'd like to call it has appeal in different ways for different people

Like ambient music, and as someone else said, this is the extreme, but the textures are just different. For others it's the idea of taking sound as far as it can go, be it minimal or completely "in the red." Some like abstract paintings and you can compare it as such. Many others also equate it to the "heaviest" you can get in music, as if to say, "that's heavy, but this goes there". It may seem completely stupid to you, but for others who enjoy this, it can in some ways as intellectual as Jazz, Classical etc.

Furthermore, I harkin some noise to free jazz, where in some free jazz you are taking an idea, a riff, a pattern and pulling it part to see what makes it tick.

And while it may not be your cup of tea, much of the more popular music you are hearing today (I'm comparing that within the context of noise/experimental/avant-garde) is pulling from everybody to Merzbow, The Rita, Wolf Eyes, Pharmakon etc. Especially rap within the last 5 years - Death Grips, Kanye West, Jpgmafia (I've seen peggy at plenty of noise shows) , and clipping. While sure, they don't have full on harsh noise walls, the elements are there, including samples used

And lets not forget Sonic Youth not only borrowed a lot from this world, they've worked with Merzbow, Keiji Haino, played shows with black dice, wolf eyes etc.
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I could be mistaken but I don't think Grundman started cutting them until a few years ago. I say this because i sold some of my earlier presses of Night Drive and Kill For Love and got the Grundman ones at the time

No I think you’re right. I never owned them until the BG recuts came out, according to Discogs the OGs and early represses were done at GZ via Pirate’s Press.

I have to pick up some more of their stuff, digging the new LP but not up to the same caliber as their older work IMO