Pre-Order Thread

Saw this FU MANCHU up for pre-order at Target.

Message when I try to check out:
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Not finding many other of their albums in stock. Any other Fu Manchu fans have some secret sources?
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Sorry if this is a repost and I missed it, but just listened to the single Days Like These and I'm sold. I love the vocal distortion in the first half. It's slightly cheaper for me on bandcamp than subpop for the Loser edition.

Low - Hey What

I'm happy they didn't abandon the folktronic/noise pop moments they had on double negative.. I was nervous that the amazing textures of that album would be ignored but I'm happily wrong that they are more subtly adding it in
So they got like... Everyone to cover Metallica huh?

I can't tell if this sounds appealing or not. Especially having the same song back to back to back, etc. Not sure it'll be something worth listening to on vinyl, feels like a digital release to skip around would make more sense to me.
Jaime Reimagined, by Brittany Howard
